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Bailey & Greer PLLC - Little Rock, AR

415 N. McKinleySuite #250-J Little Rock, AR 72205

Updated: 12/20/2019

Little Rock Personal Injury Law Firm


With offices in Memphis, Tennessee, Bailey & Greer PLLC is the law firm you can turn to after an accident or injury. We understand just how traumatic and life-altering the aftermath of an accident is, and we want to see you move on in life and receive the compensation you deserve.

Our law firm handles a wide variety of personal injury cases, including: 

  • Auto accidents: Motor vehicle accidents happen on Tennessee roadways every single day. For those involved in car, truck and motorcycle accidents, the results can be devastating. Our role as personal injury attorneys is to hold negligent drivers accountable for the injuries and fatalities caused by their negligence.
  • Medical malpractice: When medical professionals err, the patients are the ones to suffer. From birth injuries to medication mishaps, these errors happen more than we like to think. Our lawyers are on your side after a medical mistake.
  • Defective drugs and medical devices: Pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers do not get a pass when it comes to unsafe products. If there is reason to believe an unsafe drug or device is causing pain or illness, our dedicated lawyers will work hard on the case, pushing back against these companies, to get you the compensation you need and deserve. 
  • Workers' compensation: Workers hurt on the job have rights, including the right to seek workers' compensation. Depending on the specifics, workers may also be able to receive additional compensation. We will make sure you get the full and fair amount of compensation you are entitled to. 

In addition to personal injury claims, if a loved one was killed because of someone else's negligence, Bailey & Greer PLLC handles wrongful death cases too.

At our law firm, clients will work one-on-one with the same attorney, who is part of an experienced legal team.





About Bailey & Greer PLLC

Practice Areas

  • Personal Injury

Previous Law Firm Name

  • Bailey & Associates, April 15, 1996
  • Bailey & Greer

Office Information


415 N. McKinleySuite #250-J Little Rock, AR 72205


  • 901-680-0580

Other Offices

Bailey & Greer PLLC (Main Office) 6256 Poplar Avenue Memphis, TN 38119 901-680-9777

Bailey & Greer PLLC 2790-A N Highland Ave Suite 100 Jackson, TN 38305 731-423-2789

Bailey & Greer PLLC 28 White Bridge Road Suite 400 Nashville, TN 37205 901-680-9777


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415 N. McKinleySuite #250-J Little Rock, AR 72205

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