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Marvin Pederson Attorney - Petaluma, CA

755 Baywood DriveSuite 200 Petaluma, CA 94954

Updated: 11/11/2024

Petaluma Landlord/Tenant and Real Estate Law Firm


Marvin Pederson Attorney at Law helps clients with landlord/tenant disputes, real estate matters and probate law. For nearly 40 years, the law office has provided exemplary services, treating each client with respect and with the goal of establishing trust for a long-term business relationship. Clients are accepted throughout Sonoma County and surrounding areas.

Landlord-tenant law is often complex. The law office represents both landlords and renters in issues concerning rental agreements, the Americans with Disabilities Act, evictions and environmental matters. The office staff has a thorough knowledge of landlord/tenant law, and a desire to improve relationships between landlords and those who rent from them. In many cases, a rental disagreement arises through a misunderstanding.

For property owners, it is important that they respect the rights of others while also enforcing their own legal rights. The team understands how arguments can rise over boundary lines, the plan to enlarge a home, easements, and other real estate concerns. Whenever possible, the law office attempts to settle disputes so both sides are satisfied.

Compassion and attention to detail are priorities in matters of probate. Family members do not always agree with the terms of a will or trust, and at times a dispute goes to probate court. Probate is also involved if someone dies intestate, without a will. At Marvin Pederson Attorney at Law, great care is taken to remain fair and impartial when handling a probate case. The law office also represents trustees and administrators when their handling of an estate is challenged. Client satisfaction is important, so the office offers reasonable rates.

About Marvin Pederson Attorney

Practice Areas

  • Landlord/Tenant and Real Estate
  • Probate Business Law
  • Personal Injury
  • Collections
  • Real Property


  • 75%

Previous Law Firm Name

  • Daniels, Pederson, Passarino & Luty

Pro Bono Activities

  • Sonoma Superior Court Settlement Panelist, 1988 - Present



Office Information


755 Baywood DriveSuite 200 Petaluma, CA 94954


  • 415-785-8167

Office Hours

8am - 5pm


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By Andrew M. on Apr. 18, 2020

5.0 out of 5 stars

After an elder brother died I volunteered to be the administrator of his estate as I was the only relative in the state of California. I and my oldest brother and his wife searched for a will among his effects without result and so we needed to probate his estate. With Marvin Pederson's guidance over the next ten months we were able to clear Probate court and proceed with distribution of my brother's estate among the siblings.

Call us at 415-785-8293

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755 Baywood DriveSuite 200 Petaluma, CA 94954

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