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Polansky Law Firm, PLLC - Boulder, CO

4999 Pearl East CircleSuite 201 Boulder, CO 80301

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Updated: 11/11/2024

Boulder Criminal Defense Law Firm


Located in Boulder, Colorado, the Polansky Law Firm provides unmatched legal representation to those who stand accused or are under investigation for any type of felony or misdemeanor offense throughout the state of Colorado. Backed by more than 40 years of combined legal experience, our law firm's award-winning, top-rated trial lawyers offer you and your loved ones the best chance you have of fighting the charges you face and preserving your freedom and liberties.

Handling all types of juvenile and adult criminal matters, we have achieved notable success advocating on behalf of clients in state and federal courts across our region. Over the course of our history, we have obtained a long record of securing acquittals, dismissals and reductions in charges for the accused, and we promise to do all we can to help improve the likelihood you will obtain the favorable results you seek, no matter how serious your situation.

Along with maintaining a successful trial practice, our law firm can also handle your appeal if you feel a previous court ruled in error. We will never make any guarantees we cannot keep, and we will always treat you and your family with the care and respect you deserve as we work hard to help you secure a brighter future.

Whether your criminal charges stem from a DUI, drug violations, sexual assault, assault and battery, tax evasion, fraud, murder, weapons offenses, or any other serious offense, you can begin the process of retaining the best possible counsel by contacting the Polansky Law Firm and taking advantage of our free initial consultation.

About Polansky Law Firm, PLLC

Practice Areas

  • Criminal Defense 75%
  • Appeals (criminal) 15%
  • Juvenile 10%



Office Information


4999 Pearl East CircleSuite 201 Boulder, CO 80301


  • 720-500-6021

Offers Free Initial Consultation


Accepts Credit Cards


Office Hours

Monday-Sunday 8:30-5



Lawyers at Polansky Law Firm, PLLC selected for a Super Lawyers® list

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By Anonymous on Aug. 31, 2020
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5.0 out of 5 stars

Most excellent representation. Well beyond satisfied with the results. I definitely recommend using Polansky law to anyone who needs legal assistance.

Call us at 303-415-2583

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4999 Pearl East CircleSuite 201 Boulder, CO 80301

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