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Stephen P. Sobin - Hartford, CT

100 Pearl Street Hartford, CT 06103

Super Lawyers®


Updated: 08/30/2024

Hartford Civil Litigation Lawyer


Stephen Sobin is a partner with the firm and practices in the Medical Malpractice, Insurance, and Personal Injury Litigation Departments at the firm's Glastonbury Office. He is admitted to practice in the State of Connecticut. In his personal injury practice, he zealously represents plaintiffs who have been injured in automobile accidents, slip-and-fall accidents, work-related accidents, in addition to plaintiffs who have sustained animal related injuries. Attorney Sobin is equally proficient in defending clients in the same types of cases, and has gained considerable experience doing so in his representation of both local and nationally recognized insurance companies. He has successfully tried cases to verdict and has argued dispositive motions on the Complex Litigation Docket and works tirelessly with his clients to understand the unique components of each case to effectuate the desired result.

Attorney Sobin received his undergraduate degree from Providence College, and his J.D. from the University of Connecticut School of Law. During his first year of law school, Attorney Sobin clerked for the Honorable Alfred V. Covello, Senior United States District Judge. Thereafter, Attorney Sobin clerked for the City of Hartford's Corporation Counsel, State Senator Paul Doyle, and was an Honors Law Clerk for the United States Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, D.C. Attorney Sobin received the CALI Excellence for the future award in Historic Preservation Law and Public Policy. Attorney Sobin also had the privilege of being one of UConn Law's first students to graduate with an Energy and Environmental Law Certificate.

Settlements & Verdicts

June 4, 2019, Attorney Sobin secures $350,000.00 settlement for his client, a university student that was involved in a motor vehicle accident near campus. The accident involved six parties, with Attorney Sobin's client receiving the highest amount in the settlement. Attorney Sobin procured the settlement without his client having to go through the stresses of a deposition by posturing early and aggressively with evidentiary support.

July 6, 2017, Attorney Sobin secures $17,090.78 jury award after full trial to verdict in Hartford Superior Court following motor vehicle accident. Defendant contested causation as related to plaintiff's injuries.

May 17, 2017, Attorney Sobin secures $100,000 settlement, representing the policy limits attached to operative vehicle, for his client without having to file suit following motor vehicle accident in which client received scarring to face.

May 26, 2016, Attorney Sobin secures $206,953.53 jury award after full jury trial to verdict in New London Superior Court. The award represents the fourth highest verdict in the State for Premises Liability cases in 2016 (Connecticut Law Tribune, Top Verdicts and Settlements 2016). Read more here

About Stephen P. Sobin

Practice Areas

  • Civil Litigation
  • Personal Injury
  • Insurance Litigation
  • Premises Liability
  • Motor Vehicle Infractions
  • Defense of Minor Criminal Matters
  • Land Use


Bar Admissions

  • Connecticut, 2012
  • U.S. District Court District of Connecticut, 2018

Other Affiliations

  • Connecticut Bar Association
  • Hartford County Bar Association
  • Connecticut Defense Lawyers Association
  • Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association


  • University of Connecticut School of Law, Hartford, Connecticut, May, 2012
  • Providence College, Providence, Rhode Island, May, 2007
    Honors: Political Science National Honor Society
    Major: Political Science

Fraternities and Sororities

  • Pi Sigma Alpha

Past Positions

  • Honorable Alfred V. Covello, Senior United States District Judge, Clerk
  • City of Hartford’s Corporation Counsel, Clerk
  • State Senator Paul Doyle, Clerk
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, D.C., Honors Law Clerk


Other Sources of Feedback About Stephen P. Sobin

Included on the 2022 Connecticut Super Lawyers list

Past Lists

  • 2021 Connecticut Super Lawyers list

View the profile for Stephen P. Sobin on Super Lawyers


  • CALI Excellence for the future Award: Historic Preservation Law and Public Policy
  • EPA Honors Law-Clerk Clinical Legal Education Program, Washington, D.C.




Office Information


100 Pearl Street Hartford, CT 06103


  • 860-522-2490

Accepts Credit Cards


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100 Pearl Street Hartford, CT 06103

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