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Donn A. Swift - New Haven, CT

52 Trumbull StreetP.O. Box 1612 New Haven, CT 06510 - 1002

Virtual Appointments

Updated: 11/11/2024

New Haven Products Liability Lawyer


Donn A. Swift first joined the firm in 1982 and has spent his entire legal career with Lynch, Traub, Keefe and Errante, P.C. He practices in the field of civil litigation and has tried cases in almost every court in the state. Donn’s area of practice includes the full scope of personal injury practice, including motor vehicle, premises liability and product’s liability. In recent years, in addition to resolving many cases through settlement, Donn has tried cases that include soft tissue injuries from a motor vehicle accident, premises liability cases involving serious personal injuries and wrongful death matters. Donn has advised clients on matters involving thousands as well as millions of dollars.

In 1978, Donn and his wife Nancy left Assumption College in Worcester, Massachusetts, and moved to San Francisco where Donn attended the University of San Francisco School of Law. Donn graduated magna cum laude in 1981 and returned home to Connecticut with Nancy and daughters Jennifer and Elizabeth, who were born in San Francisco. After starting with Lynch, Traub, Keefe & Errante in 1982, his son Daniel was born the following year. Donn is now the proud grandfather of two grandsons, Cullen and Eli.

Donn learned the practice of law from the firm’s Founding Partner William Lynch, as well as Steve Traub, the Chairman of the Civil Litigation Department at the firm. In addition to being trained in the law, Bill and Steve also instilled in Donn the qualities of hard work and integrity. If you are seeking an attorney who can advise you on your rights and fully represent your interests, either through settlement or trial, then Donn is the person whom you should call.

Donn’s professional experience includes not only an active trial practice, but also service to the community and the courts. In addition to lecturing at various seminars to other attorneys on numerous topics relating to civil litigation, Donn has also served as a Special Master in the Federal Court and an Attorney Trial Referee/Arbitrator in the Connecticut Superior Court system. A variety of parties have also called on Donn to either arbitrate or mediate matters involving litigation.

Donn has been a Board Certified Civil Trial Specialist since 1991 and has also participated in writing the exam for other attorneys to become board certified. In addition to being a member of the Connecticut Bar Association, Donn is an Associate of the American Board of Trial Advocates, first receiving this honor in 1993.

Many cases are resolved through a settlement before trial is reached. The most effective resolutions occur in cases that have been properly prepared and the clients properly advised. Donn’s years of experience allow him to do both so that your interests are fully protected.

About Donn A. Swift

Practice Areas

  • Products Liability
  • Personal Injury Law
  • Negligence Law

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Of Counsel

Year Joined Firm

  • 1982

Representative Clients

  • Stanley Black and Decker
  • Transportation General, Inc. (Metro Taxi)
  • Housing Authority Insurance and various Housing Authorities throughout the State of Connecticut
  • Individual Members of the New Haven Community


Bar Admissions

  • Connecticut, 1981
  • U.S. District Court District of Connecticut, 1982
  • U.S. Court of Appeals 2nd Circuit, 1989
  • U.S. Supreme Court, 1991

Specialties and Certifications

  • Civil Trial Specialist, National Board of Trial Advocacy, 1991

Other Affiliations

  • New Haven County Bar Association, 1982 - Present (Member)
  • American Board of Trial Advocates, 1993 - Present (Associate)
  • Connecticut Bar Association, Civil Justice and Insurance Sections, 1982 - Present (Member)
  • American Bar Association, Tort and Insurance Practice Section, 1988 - Present (Member)
  • Connecticut Defense Lawyers Association, 1988 - Present (Member)
  • Defense Research Institute, 1985 - Present (Member)
  • U.S. District Court, 1990 - Present (Special Master)
  • Connecticut Superior Court - Attorney Trial Referee, 1991 - Present (Arbitrator and Fact Finder)
  • Private ADR Mediator/Arbitration, 1988 - Present
  • New Haven County Bar Association (Chairman, Mentor Program)
  • The Connecticut Superior Court (Fact Finder and Arbitrator)
  • United States District Court of Connecticut (Magistrate)
  • Connecticut Defense Lawyers Association (Member)
  • Defense Research Institute (Member)
  • American Bar Association (Member)
  • Connecticut Bar Association (Member)
  • New Haven County Bar Association, Mentor Program (Chairman)


  • University of San Francisco School of Law, San Francisco, California, 1981
    Honors: magna cum laude
    Honors: Member of McAuliffe Law Honor Society
    Honors: Recipient, The American Jurisprudence Award, Criminal Procedure
    Honors: Recipient, The American Jurisprudence Award, Insurance Law
  • Assumption College, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1978
    Major: Politics

Past Positions

  • Connecticut Superior Court, Research Clerk, 1981 - 1982

Pro Bono Activities

  • Christ Community Church
  • HOPE Pregnancy Center
  • White Oak Baptist Church

Classes and Seminars

  • Lecturer, Pretrial Discovery Seminar, University of Bridgeport, 1986
  • Lecturer, Tort Reform I Seminar, Connecticut Bar Association, 1989
  • Lecturer, Nuts & Bolts Seminar, Closing Argument, Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association, 1990
  • Lecturer, Nuts & Bolts Seminar, Expert Witnesses, Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association, 1991
  • Lecturer, Pretrial Preparation, New Haven County Bar Association Seminar, 1990
  • Lecturer, Evidence in Trial Practice Seminar, National Business Institute, Inc., 1991
  • Lecturer, Bad Faith Seminar, National Business Institute, Inc., 1993
  • Lecturer, Trying Automobile Cases Seminar , National Business Institute, Inc. Seminar , 1995
  • Lecturer, Bad Faith Litigation Seminar , National Business Institute, Inc., 1996
  • Lecturer, Premises Liability Seminar , National Business Institute, Inc., 1994
  • Lecturer, Effective Motion Practice in Connecticut Seminar, National Business Institute, Inc., 1998
  • Lecturer, Trying the Soft Tissue Case Seminar, National Business Institute, Inc., 1999
  • Lecturer, A Practical Guide to Federal Court Rules and Procedures Seminar, National Business Institute, Inc., 1999
  • Lecturer, Adjusting the Auto Claim Seminar, National Business Institute, Inc., 2000
  • Lecturer, Damages in Civil Practice Seminar, National Business Institute, Inc., 2000
  • Lecturer, Damages in Civil Practice Seminar, National Business Institute, Inc., 2003
  • Lecturer, Personal Injury and Tort Law, New Haven County Bar Association Nuts and Bolts CLE Series, 2002 - 2004
  • Lecturer, Orlando, Florida, Evidence Acquisition and Retention, HADA Seminar, 2002
  • Lecturer, Admissibility Of Evidence and Expert Testimony in Connecticut Seminar, National Business Institute, Inc., 2004
  • Lecturer, Smoke Detectors, the First Line of Defense, HADA Seminar, Philadelphia, PA, 2004
  • Lecturer, Expert Testimony Seminar, National Business Institute, Inc., 2006 - 2008
  • Lecturer, HADA National Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, Reasonable Accomodations , 2010
  • Lecturer, CT, NAHRO, on Reasonable accommodations, 2013
  • Lecturer, MRHP Seminar on Fair Housing, 2015
  • Lecturer, NAHRO Seminar on Fair Housing, 2016



  • Stanley Black and Decker
  • Housing Authority Insurance



  • Super Lawyer, Civil Litigation/Personal Injury, Connecticut Magazine, 2006 - 2018


Office Information


52 Trumbull StreetP.O. Box 1612 New Haven, CT 06510 - 1002


  • 203-782-0278


Representative Cases

  • Potter v. Chicago Pneumatic
  • Murtha vs. City of Hartford
  • Maio vs. City of New Haven
  • Estate of Marshall vs. Naugatuck Housing Authority
  • Campos vs. La Quinta
  • Hutter vs. Dichello Distributors
  • Taylor vs. HANA

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52 Trumbull StreetP.O. Box 1612 New Haven, CT 06510 - 1002

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