Learn About the Law articles clearly explain what you need to know about a wide variety of legal issues. You'll also find answers to common legal questions and case summaries to explore.
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You've come to the right place. If a family member was injured or killed in a construction accident, consider hiring a construction lawyer.
Construction safety is important and injuries and death can result from crane accidents, forklift accidents, and other construction accidents.
Use FindLaw to hire a local construction accident lawyer who can help you recover money and other damages for injuries, economic losses (lost wages), emotional distress, and loss of companionship
FindLaw's Lawyer Directory is the largest online directory of attorneys. Browse more than one million listings, covering everything from personal injury to DUI to estate planning.
Detailed law firm profiles have information like the firm's area of law, office location, office hours, and payment options. Attorney profiles include the biography, education and training, and client recommendations of an attorney to help you decide who to hire.
Use the contact form on the profiles to connect with an Ohio attorney for legal advice.
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Make informed decisions with useful legal information.
Learn About the Law articles clearly explain what you need to know about a wide variety of legal issues. You'll also find answers to common legal questions and case summaries to explore.
Read about choosing and retaining legal help with FindLaw's