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Law Offices of David Ronald LeRoy - Rehoboth Beach, DE

18766 John J. Williams HwySte. 4, No. 313 Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971

Updated: 08/06/2023

Rehoboth Beach Judgment Enforcement Law Firm


I practice judgment enforcement/recovery throughout the State of California for Limited and Unlimited Civil Actions, judgments procured via Family Court (child/spousal support collections, asset awards), and judgments awarded via Small Claims.

My methods of recovery include securing Orders To Appear For Examinations, serving debtors and/or third parties with Subpoenas; tracing financial transactions through various accounts where debtors may be concealing assets in their name(s), the names of third parties, and/or various business entities. I utilize various tools including Bank Levies/Brokerage Accounts, Wage Garnishments; execution of liens, levies, and forced sale of secured and unsecured property, i.e. Real Estate and Personal Property (Cars, Jewelry, etc). I pursue debtor interests in Partnerships, Corporations, and LLCs as will as 3rd. party interests, i.e. family members, business partners, and/or friends who the debtor is using to hold and/or conceal property to avoid creditors.

Additionally, for more than 32 years I have mediated disputes concerning all areas of family law including interstate child custody disputes, post judgment modifications, property and debt divisions, both in person and via the internet I served on the board of the Family Law Bar of the Ventura County Bar. Association for four years, two years as the Vice President. Additionally, I have written articles for Family Life Magazine covering various areas of family law. I pride myself on assisting couples, no matter how acrimonious their relationship, to come to an agreement so that they are able to move on with their lives with minimal animosity and disruption.

Billing Method:

  • Contingency fee for Judgment Enforcement caes
  • Require a Retainer for Family Law cases

Pricing Structure:

  • Free Consultation
  • Hourly fee

About Law Offices of David Ronald LeRoy

Practice Areas

  • Judgment Enforcement 50%
  • Family Law - Divorce/Mediation 50%



Office Information


18766 John J. Williams HwySte. 4, No. 313 Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971


  • 805 256-6091

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By Anonymous on Jan. 08, 2020

5.0 out of 5 stars

I don't live in California and needed an attorney in Ventura, California to help obtain some court records. I searched and found David's contact information and called him. He understood my quest and within 2 days had obtained all of the information I asked for and sent it to me by overnight delivery. His charges were very reasonable and it was a real pleasure working with him I highly recommend David. Paul G.

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