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Jenkins Block & Associates, P.C. - Palm Beach Gardens, FL

4521 PGA BoulevardSuite 408 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418

Updated: 11/26/2019

Palm Beach Gardens Workers' Compensation Law Firm


Respected Maryland attorney Robert R. Jenkins founded our Baltimore law firm, Jenkins Block & Associates, P.C., in 1977. Today, managing attorney Bruce D. Block and our associate attorneys continue to provide representation to clients from throughout Maryland and eastern Virginia based on the principles in which our founder so strongly believed. You can turn to our law firm for representation upon which you can depend if you suffer due to any of the following:

•         Personal injuries

•         Automobile accidents

•         Medical errors

•         Dangerous products or medications

•         Workplace accidents

•         Permanent disabilities

•         Service-related disabilities

After more than 35 years of serving the people of Maryland and Virginia, our law firm has established a reputation as one of the Eastern seaboard's leading personal injury firms. Thanks to our long record of success and dedication to our clients' needs, our firm has continuously grown. We are now home to five experienced attorneys who work from four convenient office locations to help our clients pursue the compensation or benefits they need for secure financial futures.

Whether you suffered an injury at the hands of a negligent individual, business or professional, or your injuries are the result of a workplace accident or your time in the U.S. military, the lawyers at the law firm of Jenkins Block & Associates, P.C., will dedicate themselves to your case. If you are interested in learning more about how we can help you, you can take advantage of our offer for a free initial consultation.

About Jenkins Block & Associates, P.C.

Practice Areas

  • Workers' Compensation
  • Social Security Disability
  • Supplemental Security Income
  • Maryland Workers’ Compensation
  • Virginia Workers’ Compensation
  • Auto Accidents
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Product Liability & Dangerous Medications
  • Personal Injury
  • Wounded Warrior Benefits

Office Information


4521 PGA BoulevardSuite 408 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418

Other Offices

Jenkins Block & Associates, P.C. (Main Office) 10800 Midlothian Turnpike Suite 242 Richmond, VA 23235 410-497-8432

Jenkins Block & Associates, P.C. 828 Airpax Road Suite #300 Cambridge, MD 21613 410-497-8432

Jenkins Block & Associates, P.C. 33 W. Franklin Street Suite #102 Hagerstown, MD 21740 410-497-8432


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Firm Address

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4521 PGA BoulevardSuite 408 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418

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