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Bailey, Javins & Carter, L.C. - Atlanta, GA

3350 Riverwood Pkwy SESuite GL-25 Atlanta, GA 30339

Updated: 08/26/2021

Atlanta Personal Injury & Wrongful Death Law Firm


Offices in Atlanta, GA, Charleston, WV, and Summersville, WV

From its Charleston office, Bailey, Javins & Carter, L.C., built its reputation by helping coal miners receive the benefits and other compensation they deserve. Since one of our law firm's founding members comes from generations of coal miners, our attorneys understand the unique issues their workers face. We realize that coal miners face more than just catastrophic accidents, they also face work-related illnesses such as black lung and other respiratory conditions that can change their lives forever.

Coal miners aren't the only ones who could benefit from the services of our attorneys, however. Our law firm has helped numerous people who either suffered injuries or lost loved ones in all kinds of accidents. Whether your injury or loss occurred at work or in some other way, we are here to help. We handle numerous personal injury and workers' compensation cases, including the following:

• Power lineman accidents

• Construction accidents

• Trucking accidents

• Motor vehicle accidents

• Catastrophic injuries

• Medical malpractice claims

• Premises liability claims

• Product liability claims

• Hunting accidents

No matter what type of injury or illness you suffered, if it happened at work and/or due to the negligence or recklessness of another party or parties, our law firm will thoroughly evaluate your situation, advise you of your rights and let you know what your legal options are.

Put our decades of experience, knowledge and compassion to work for you. When you need a legal advocate to fight for you and your family, give Bailey, Javins & Carter, L.C., a call or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation.

About Bailey, Javins & Carter, L.C.

Practice Areas

  • Personal Injury & Wrongful Death
  • Construction Accidents
  • Motor Vehicle Accidents
  • Trucking Accidents
  • Birth Injury
  • Brain Injury
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Products Liability Law
  • Premises Liability
  • Workers' Compensation Law
  • Litigation & Appeals

Office Information


3350 Riverwood Pkwy SESuite GL-25 Atlanta, GA 30339


  • 304-345-0375

Other Offices

Bailey, Javins & Carter, L.C. (Main Office) 213 Hale Street Charleston, WV 25301 866-773-7175

Bailey Javins & Carter, L.C. 125 Granville Square Suite 250 Morgantown, WV 26501 866-773-7175


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Firm Address

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3350 Riverwood Pkwy SESuite GL-25 Atlanta, GA 30339

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