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Sabrina G. Stone - Alton, IL

One Court St Alton, IL 62002

Updated: 11/12/2024

Alton Mesothelioma & Asbestos Lawyer


Sabrina Stone is an attorney at Simmons Hanly Conroy. She joined the firm in 2020, focusing her practice on helping individuals and families affected by mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.

A member of the Asbestos Department, Sabrina brings a decade of experience litigating asbestos cases nationwide. As an asbestos attorney, she interviews clients and assists her trial team with depositions. She investigates products, work sites and secondary sites, social security records, and any potential places of second-hand asbestos exposure. Sabrina also pursues damages from corporations' bankruptcy trusts on behalf of the mesothelioma victims they've harmed.

A Voice for the Voiceless
Sabrina is passionate about righting wrongs for those who have lost loved ones due to preventable illnesses. "Although a settlement or verdict isn't going to bring that person back, it helps to hold someone accountable for the wrong," she said.

Clients can expect honesty and compassion from Sabrina. "It's not just another case or name to me. It's someone's story," she said. "It's important to give them a chance to preserve their story in their own words for their day in court."

Whether mechanics, plumbers, factory workers, insulators, tire press operators, sheet rockers, or kids poisoned by their fathers' clothes, Sabrina believes all her clients share the same story. They were exposed without knowledge or the proper warnings to protect their families. "They were never told, so they were robbed of the opportunity to protect themselves and their loved ones," she said.

An Empathic Attorney
Sabrina knew from a young age she wanted to be an attorney. She graduated from college at age 21 and went straight to law school. Having lost her own mother to cancer, she understands what clients are going through.

"Losing a parent or a spouse of 60 years is one of the hardest things a person will ever walk through," she said. "That's part of why I want to secure justice for my clients because I understand what it's like to lose someone who is your whole world."

Sabrina received a B.A. in Sociology from Baylor University in 2007. She received her J.D. from South Texas College of Law in 2010. When not practicing law, Sabrina enjoys spending time with her family and is active in her church.

About Sabrina G. Stone

Practice Areas

  • Mesothelioma & Asbestos


Bar Admissions

  • Texas
  • Missouri
  • U.S. District Court Southern District of Texas, 2011

Other Affiliations

  • Houston Trial Lawyers Association
  • Texas Trial Lawyers Association


  • South Texas College of Law Houston, Houston, Texas, 2010
  • Baylor University, 2007
    Bachelor of Arts
    Honors: cum laude
    Major: Sociology


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