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Abear Law Offices - Wheaton, IL

460 S. County Farm Rd. Wheaton, IL 60187

Free Consultation

Updated: 11/11/2024

Wheaton Divorce Law Firm


At the Abear Law Offices, we offer dedicated representation to people facing divorce, custody and other family law matters. We serve clients in DuPage County, Illinois, as well as throughout Kane, Kendall and Will counties from our office locations in Wheaton, St. Charles, Warrenville and Naperville. Our law offices offer free initial consultations, and we accept credit cards.

Taking a personalized approach to each case, our attorneys offer customized guidance to people facing a range of issues impacting families, including adoption, paternity and unmarried fathers' rights, child support and spousal maintenance. We work to help our clients effectively resolve their legal issues through amicable means such as mediation or negotiation outside of litigation, whenever possible. However, we are prepared to vigorously advocate on their behalf in the courtroom in situations when the other side is unwilling to cooperate.

We recognize that as time passes, people and families grow and change. Helping establish the expectations for how support, property division and other such issues will be handled in the event of a divorce, our attorneys explain the benefits of prenuptial agreements and assist clients in drawing up the necessary documents. We also guide people through the process of seeking post-decree modifications when changes in their circumstances warrant adjustments to their established family law arrangements, and our attorneys are experienced in aiding with business valuation matters.

In addition to dealing with general family law and domestic partnership-related issues, our attorneys at the Abear Law Offices also have experience assisting clients with arranged marriages. Acting with the utmost reverence and sensitivity to the cultural issues such cases often carry, we carefully guide people through the marriage dissolution process. Our law offices also offer domestic violence guidance, helping to protect people and their children from immediate, as well as future, abusive situations.

About Abear Law Offices

Practice Areas

  • Divorce
  • Complex Divorce
  • Child Support
  • Child Custody and Visitation
  • Family Law
  • Adoption
  • Domestic Partnerships
  • Domestic Violence
  • Paternity
  • Prenuptial Agreements
  • Post Decree Modifications
  • Arranged Marriages
  • Maintenance/Spousal Support
  • Property Division
  • Mediation
  • Business Valuation
  • Uncovering Hidden Assets
  • Guardian ad Litem
  • Custody




  • Sally Cerminar, Paralegal

Office Information


460 S. County Farm Rd. Wheaton, IL 60187

Offers Free Initial Consultation


Accepts Credit Cards


Other Offices

Abear Law Offices 119 S. Ellsworth St. Naperville, IL 60540 (630) 904-3033

Abear Law Offices 555 Randall Rd. Suite 204C St. Charles, IL 60174 (630) 904-3033

Abear Law Offices 4200 Cantera Dr. Suite 200C Warrenville, IL 60555 (630) 904-3033


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Firm Address

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460 S. County Farm Rd. Wheaton, IL 60187

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