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Justin R. Herrmann - Kearney, NE

322 West 39th StreetP.O. Box 1060 Kearney, NE 68845 - 2804

Updated: 06/08/2022

Kearney General Business Lawyer


Justin Herrmann’s practice is focused on representing clients primarily in the areas of criminal defense, employment law, business, real estate, wills and trusts, estate planning and probate. However, he also has experience representing clients in a wide variety of civil litigation matters, including real estate disputes, contract disputes, probate litigation, employment litigation, personal injury claims, wrongful death claims and more. Although the majority of his work resides in Buffalo County, Justin has represented many clients across Greater Nebraska in all types of matters, particularly in the areas of criminal defense, employment law and estate planning. Justin’s overlapping experience and client-centered practice have made him a sought-after representative across Buffalo County and Greater Nebraska.

Justin’s criminal defense practice consists of regularly representing clients in all types of criminal matters, including both misdemeanor and felony offenses. He has experience in the defense of many major felonies including sex offenses, drug possession and distribution, and theft-related offenses, including robbery and burglary.

Justin’s employment law practice consists of regularly representing both employers and employees in connection with a number of employment issues, ranging from discrimination claims, to wrongful termination claims, to matters arising under the numerous other federal and state laws that may affect the employment relationship. He regularly advises his employer clients on a broad range of employment issues with the goal of minimizing employment claims and/or strengthening the defense of any such claims that might be made against an employer. Similarly, and with the same goal in mind, Justin frequently assists employers with the preparation of personnel policies and employee handbooks, as well as employment agreements, including non-compete, non-solicitation, confidentiality/non-disclosure, and severance agreements. Should the need arise, Justin is fully prepared to litigate employment claims on behalf of either employers or employees in either the court system or applicable administrative agencies.

Justin’s real estate practice consists of both real estate transactional work, where he regularly represents clients who are selling or buying residential or commercial properties, and real estate litigation.

Justin’s estate planning and probate practice involves helping individuals and families with services that include wills, trusts, powers of attorney, health care directives, living wills, federal estate tax planning and determinations, Nebraska inheritance tax planning and determinations, special needs trust planning and probate administration.

About Justin R. Herrmann

Practice Areas

  • General Business
  • Civil Litigation
  • Employment Law
  • Planning, Zoning & Land Use
  • Real Estate
  • Tax Increment Financing
  • Wills, Estate Planning and Probate
  • Workers’ Compensation

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Shareholder

Year Joined Firm

  • 2005


Bar Admissions

  • Nebraska, 2005
  • U.S. District Court District of Nebraska, 2005

Other Affiliations

  • Nebraska State Bar Association
  • Nebraska Young Lawyers Section
  • Buffalo County Bar Association
  • American Bar Association
  • Nebraska Association of Trial Attorneys
  • Nebraska Criminal Defense Attorneys Association
  • Buffalo County Defense Association
  • Nebraska School Mock Trial Project (Regional Coordinator)
  • Residential Assistance to Families in Transition (RAFT) (President)


  • University of Nebraska College of Law, Lincoln, Nebraska, 2005
    Honors: With Distinction
  • University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, 2002
    Honors: With Highest Distinction
    Major: Business Administration

Pro Bono Activities

  • Member, Kiwanis Club


Office Information


322 West 39th StreetP.O. Box 1060 Kearney, NE 68845 - 2804


  • 308-234-9305

Accepts Credit Cards


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By Anonymous on Oct. 29, 2019

0.5 out of 5 stars

Bad experience. Lawyer failed to show up to my hearing on time and then billed me for the service..


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322 West 39th StreetP.O. Box 1060 Kearney, NE 68845 - 2804

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