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Michael Lawson - Albany, NY

54 State St.Ste. 900 Albany, NY 12207 - 2527

Updated: 01/18/2023

Albany Litigation Lawyer


Mike is an associate in our Litigation Department, where he focuses on personal injury litigation and criminal defense. Mike represents clients who have been injured as a result of accidents and professional malpractice. Currently his work involves all stages of pre-trial discovery and representing clients at depositions. He also works closely with attorneys in the department preparing cases for trial, and finalizing cases post-settlement.

Mike brings compassion and empathy to his work with clients from his own personal experience as a Plaintiff in a personal injury matter prior to becoming an attorney.

Mike has a Bachelor of Science from Springfield College, with a major in Sports Management, and with minors in Business Administration and YMCA Professional Studies. While at Springfield, Mike interned for the Philadelphia Eagles in the Ticket and Fans Services Office.

Mike attended Syracuse University College of Law, where he developed an interest in Sports Law. While at Syracuse, Mike was the President of the Entertainment and Sports Law Society and worked for the Syracuse Athletics Compliance Office, as well as the Syracuse Orange Club. In 2019, Mike was a summer associate for a boutique firm in Nashville that was outside counsel for professional sports teams, including the Tennessee Titans. In addition to his Juris Doctorate, Mike earned an Entertainment and Sports Law Curriculum Certificate while at Syracuse.

In addition to practicing law, Mike is a co-host and producer for a podcast that discusses the intersection of sports and law called Conduct Detrimental.

Mike is a member of the American Bar Association, New York State Bar Association, Albany County Bar Association, and the American Association for Justice.

About Michael Lawson

Practice Areas

  • Litigation
  • Criminal Defense
  • Personal Injury

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Associate


Bar Admissions

  • New York
  • U.S. Court of Appeals 3rd Circuit

Other Affiliations

  • Capital District Trial Lawyers Association
  • New York State Bar Association
  • American Bar Association


Office Information


54 State St.Ste. 900 Albany, NY 12207 - 2527


  • 518-462-2670

Accepts Credit Cards


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54 State St.Ste. 900 Albany, NY 12207 - 2527

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