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Stephen R. Coffey - Albany, NY

54 State St.Ste. 900 Albany, NY 12207 - 2527

Updated: 01/18/2023

Albany Criminal Defense Lawyer


Steve is the founding partner and chair of the O'Connell and Aronowitz Personal Injury and Criminal Defense practices in its Albany, NY office. Under his leadership, O'Connell and Aronowitz has become one of the most active personal injury and criminal defense law firms in upstate New York.

Few lawyers in the Capital District area have excelled in both the personal injury and criminal defense fields. With over thirty five years of experience at the state and federal levels, Steve is considered one of the most successful trial lawyers in these two diverse practice areas. As one of the area's premiere criminal defense trial lawyers, he has been recognized by his peers for his record setting verdicts and settlements. Steve has justly earned that reputation through his representation of thousands of clients in both street crime cases and highly complex, white collar cases.

In 1975, Steve became fully committed to champion the cause of those unjustly accused after seeing the unfettered power of the government relentlessly pursue innocent people. His desire to reject the abuse of government has led him to represent the most honest and sincere people, who have remained his friends long after their acquittal. Former jurors have even called Steve over the years to represent them and their loved ones.

Known for his fearless approach when confronted with injustice, Steve has enjoyed powerful courtroom victories and has consistently garnered million dollar verdicts for his clients in cases that are often highly complex and high profile. Most recently, Steve obtained a $43 million dollar verdict for a brain-injured woman whose case had been turned down by several attorneys. His second largest brain injury verdict came after representing a child in a highly complex product liability case against a corporate giant. The verdict exceeded $20 million dollars. Steve has obtained verdicts in excess of $1M in ten cases and has obtained countless settlements that have exceeded $1M dollars.

Steve's knowledge, insight and analytical skill have translated easily from the courtroom to the media. Local television and radio stations have looked to him as a regular commentator for highly publicized local and national criminal cases. A former Assistant District Attorney for Albany County and Chief Felony Prosecutor, Steve was the youngest Felony Bureau Chief to serve in Albany County. He also served as Special Prosecutor in Fulton and Albany Counties. Steve has complimented his civil and criminal trial skill with an extensive appellate practice. He has lectured and written extensively on civil and criminal trial practice. Steve is also an active participant of local and national charitable organizations involving disabled individuals including the Muscular Dystrophy Association, Living Resources and The Miracle League.

About Stephen R. Coffey

Practice Areas

  • Criminal Defense
  • Personal Injury Litigation
  • Healthcare Fraud and Abuse

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Shareholders


Bar Admissions

  • New York, 1971
  • U.S. District Court Southern District of New York
  • U.S. District Court Western District of New York
  • U.S. District Court Eastern District of New York
  • U.S. District Court District of Massachusetts
  • U.S. District Court District of New Hampshire
  • U.S. Supreme Court

Other Affiliations

  • American Association for Justice
  • American Bar Association
  • American Board of Trial Advocates
  • New York State Bar Association
  • New York State Trial Lawyers Association
  • New York State Defenders Association
  • Albany County Bar Association


  • Albany Law School of Union University, Albany, New York
  • Siena College


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Office Information


54 State St.Ste. 900 Albany, NY 12207 - 2527


  • 518-462-2670

Accepts Credit Cards


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By Peter C. on Jan. 23, 2024

5.0 out of 5 stars

Steven Coffey is a superb attorney and counsellor. I've used him for opinions/advice and I've worked with him on various matters. When I have a personal matter I consult with him and/or his firm.


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54 State St.Ste. 900 Albany, NY 12207 - 2527

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