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Phillips & Associates - Garden City, NY

585 Stewart Ave#410 Garden City, NY 11530

Super Lawyers®


Free Consultation

Updated: 02/18/2024

Garden City Sexual Harassment Law Firm


The lawyers at Phillips & Associates, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, are dedicated to protecting the rights of workers across all professional sectors. Our Long Island office is located on Northern Boulevard in Manhasset and our headquarters is on Broadway in downtown Manhattan.

We know that employers and workplace supervisors often violate the mandates of employment law. When they do, we can help fight back.

Both state and federal law prohibit workplace discrimination based on race, nationality, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, and various other categories. Unfortunately, these laws are flouted frequently. Our law firm is at the forefront of defending workers who face such discrimination. Other areas of discrimination include:

  • Pregnancy Discrimination
  • Racist Comments
  • National Origin or Religious Discrimination
  • Transgender Discrimination
  • Gender Identity Discrimination
  • Failure to Provide a Reasonable Accommodation

Sexual Harassment is Illegal

We have also developed a core competency in representing individuals who endure workplace sexual harassment. Harassment can take many forms - it can be subtle or overt, physical or verbal, same-sex or opposite sex. Victims are often left feeling helpless, afraid they may lose their jobs if they speak out. If you believe you are enduring sexual harassment on-the-job, we can advise you regarding your legal options and ensure your rights are protected.

Wage & Hour Disputes

In addition, our law firm has earned a reputation for success in representing workers in wage and hour disputes. New York State and Federal Law provides protections with regard to minimum wage and overtime pay, as well as break times, sick leave, and time off for family emergencies. We can help you seek justice if your employer tampers with your rights - and with your paycheck.

Retaliation for Complaints of Discrimination

It is important to keep in mind that it is illegal for employers to retaliate against workers who speak up. In fact, it is illegal even if they merely threaten to do so. You cannot be fired or demoted, or lose hours or status, or suffer any other repercussions as result of filing a complaint.

Free Consultation & No Fee Unless We Recover

To speak with an attorney, reach out to Phillips & Associates, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. Our initial consultations are free and confidential, enabling us to inform you of your options before you're obliged to retain us. Going forward, there will be no attorney's fees unless we recover compensation on your behalf. If you would like to learn more, call us today at (212) 235-1109.

About Phillips & Associates

Practice Areas

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Age Discrimination
  • Disability Discrimination
  • Division of Human Rights Complaints
  • EEOC Representation/Mediation
  • Failure To Pay Overtime
  • Family Responsibility Discrimination
  • FMLA Violations
  • Harassment
  • Hostile Work Environment
  • National Origin Discrimination
  • Pregnancy Discrimination
  • Racial Discrimination
  • Religious Discrimination
  • Retaliation For Complaints Of Discrimination/Harassment
  • Severance Agreements/Separation Agreements
  • Sex/Gender Discrimination
  • Sexual Orientation Discrimination


  • 100%


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Office Information


585 Stewart Ave#410 Garden City, NY 11530


  • 212-901-2107

Offers Free Initial Consultation


Other Offices

Phillips & Associates (Main Office) 45 Broadway #430 New York, NY 10006 212-235-1109

Phillips & Associates 175 SW 7th Street Suite 1208 Miami, FL 33130 786-876-8743

Phillips & Associates 100 Overlook Center 2nd Floor Princeton, NJ 08540 609-445-2006

Phillips & Associates 50 Main Street Suite 1000 White Plains, NY 10606 914-265-2306

Phillips & Associates 1635 Market St. Suite #1600A Philadelphia, PA 19103 267-824-2034



Lawyers at Phillips & Associates selected for a Super Lawyers® list

  • Friedman, Joshua M. On a Super Lawyers® List



  • Sexual Harassment
    We are aggressive advocates for our clients, and have substantial experience in harassment and discrimination claims.
  • Pregnancy Discrimination
    If you are treated differently by your employer because you are pregnant, contact the attorneys at Phillips & Associates who focus on all aspects of workplace law, and have successfully handled many workplace discrimination claims.
  • Employment Discrimination
    Our firm has successfully represented numerous clients who have been sexually harassed or discriminated against because of their race, national origin, gender, religion, disability and other protected traits.
  • Our cases in the news
    Learn about our latest cases in the news
  • Sexual Orientation Discrimination
    If you need legal representation for a possible sexual orientation discrimination claim, please contact the law firm of Phillips & Associates

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585 Stewart Ave#410 Garden City, NY 11530

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