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Adam Pollock - New York, NY

60 Broad Street24th Floor New York, NY 10004

Updated: 02/25/2020

New York Class Action Lawyer


Adam may not look like a bulldog, but he is one of the smartest, most relentless attorneys in New York. Don’t let his Ivy League (University of Pennsylvania) law degree, or his University of Michigan computer science degree (Go Blue!), distract you from what truly sets him apart from other top attorneys: he wins because he digs deeper. There are lots of smart lawyers with stellar credentials. Adam stands apart not just because of his top-drawer private practice experience at Morvillo Abramowitz and government service first as a federal judicial clerk and then as an Assistant Attorney General in New York he has also worked in the tech industry, at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, and at the Park Slope Food Co-op.

About Adam Pollock

Practice Areas

  • Class Action
  • Commercial Disputes
  • Crisis Management, Corporate Strategy, and Internal Investigations
  • Employment Discrimination and Harassment
  • Product Liability/Personal Injury
  • Public Policy
  • Whistleblower — Qui Tam


Bar Admissions

  • New York
  • New Jersey
  • U.S. District Court Southern District of New York
  • U.S. District Court Eastern District of New York
  • U.S. District Court Northern District of New York
  • U.S. District Court District of New Jersey


  • University of Pennsylvania Law School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2006
  • University of Michigan, 2000

Past Positions

  • Hon. Gabriel W. Gorenstein, U.S. Magistrate Judge of the Southern District of New York, Law Clerk
  • International Criminal Court, Avocat-Stagiaire
  • Morvillo Abramowitz Grand Iason & Anello P.C., Attorney
  • New York Office of the Attorney General, Assistant Attorney General

Pro Bono Activities

  • Park Slope Food Co-op, Walker



  • Nomination for National Taxpayers Against Fraud “Honest Abe” Award
  • Rising Star in Litigation, Super Lawyers


Office Information


60 Broad Street24th Floor New York, NY 10004

Accepts Credit Cards


Office Hours



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60 Broad Street24th Floor New York, NY 10004

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