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Quay & Associates, P.A. - New Bern, NC

412 Broad Street New Bern, NC 28560

Updated: 11/11/2024

New Bern Estate Planning Law Firm


Based in New Bern, North Carolina, we at Quay & Associates, P.A., provide skilled legal representation and guidance to individuals across the region. We focus our efforts on the areas of estate planning, estate administration and guardianships. Our law firm understands what is at stake for our clients facing these issues, and we strive to find constructive solutions. We can create estate planning documents that are carefully tailored to your specific needs. We also have meaningful experience in all areas of guardianships.

Our lawyer, Cindi Quay, has practiced law for more than a decade. In addition to her extensive legal experience, she also brings a broad range of work and life experience to her practice. Prior to becoming an attorney, Cindi served in the United States Marines for five years. For the majority of this time, she was stationed at Marine Corps Air Station in Cherry Point, North Carolina. Additionally, Cindi worked as a paralegal before passing the North Carolina Bar in 2000. Above all, we are committed to building strong relationships with our clients as we strive to accomplish their legal goals.

About Quay & Associates, P.A.

Practice Areas

  • Estate Planning
  • Estate Administration
  • Estate Law
  • Guardianship
  • Wills & Trusts
  • Elder Law


  • 90%



Office Information


412 Broad Street New Bern, NC 28560


  • 252-633-2205

Accepts Credit Cards




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By Trevor F. on Nov. 24, 2021

0.5 out of 5 stars

My attorney paid no attention to my case and lost on every front she did not litigate anything and only spoke for about 2min during my trial for my child and allowed the other attorney to run the floor in our 2.5 trial which never should have taken place being that short.

Call us at 252-649-0530

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412 Broad Street New Bern, NC 28560

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