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Horenstein, Nicholson, & Blumenthal, LPA - Cincinnati, OH

9435 Waterstone Blvd.Suite 140-52 Cincinnati, OH 45249

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Updated: 11/11/2024

Cincinnati Social Security Disability Law Firm


Following a motor vehicle accident in Ohio, injured victims quickly realize how costly the damages can be. Every day at Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal, LPA, we meet Cincinnati-area clients who are struggling to regain their lives after someone else's negligence or recklessness has left them injured or dealing with the loss of a loved one.

Many accident victims face frustrating auto repairs and, more seriously, the bills related to emergency treatment, hospitalization, surgery, medication, therapy and numerous other expenses. Some even bear funeral costs when a loved one dies in a senseless accident. For 40 years, our law firm has fought to obtain fair payouts from insurance companies and maximum compensation for our clients through personal injury claims.

Some injuries result from negligence in other areas, such as unsafe property, unrestrained dogs, medical malpractice or nursing home abuse. Construction workers and other employees are also vulnerable to injuries and the confusion of a workers' comp claim. Our law firm skillfully handles these and other injury matters, offering our experience and integrity to shield our clients from the big businesses, insurance companies and government agencies they often must fight.

Sometimes an injury victim also qualifies for financial support from the government. Negotiating these complex agencies can be a job by itself. Our experience dealing with the Social Security Administration or U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has helped countless clients obtain the support they need to get their lives back on track.

At Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal, LPA, we do not want any of our neighbors to suffer needlessly. To find out how we can assist you, call our Cincinnati office to schedule an evaluation of your case. With additional offices in Dayton, Columbus and Cleveland, we help clients throughout Ohio. The first consultation is free, and we can arrange to discuss your case virtually if you prefer.

About Horenstein, Nicholson, & Blumenthal, LPA

Practice Areas

  • Social Security Disability 70%
  • Personal Injury 30%
  • Workers' Compensation
  • Veterans' Affairs
  • Car Accidents



  • Jeri Peacock, Office Administrator

Office Information


9435 Waterstone Blvd.Suite 140-52 Cincinnati, OH 45249


  • 937-224-3353

Offers Free Initial Consultation


Other Offices

Horenstein, Nicholson, & Blumenthal, LPA (Main Office) 124 East Third Street Fifth Floor Dayton, OH 45402 855-775-2445

Horenstein, Nicholson, & Blumenthal, LPA 4937 West Broad Street Columbus, OH 43228 855-775-2445


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Firm Address

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9435 Waterstone Blvd.Suite 140-52 Cincinnati, OH 45249

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