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Kruger & Hodges - Middletown, OH

300 N. Main Street Suite 375 Middletown, OH 45042

Free Consultation

Virtual Appointments

Updated: 11/11/2024

Middletown Personal Injury Law Firm


Located in Middletown, Ohio, the Kruger & Hodges law firm has grown to become one of our area's leading legal practices for individuals and families dealing with serious challenges involving:

  • Personal injury
  • Car, truck and motorcycle accidents
  • Slip-and-fall accidents
  • Criminal defense

Our lawyers possess decades of combined legal experience, and we can explain your rights, advise you of your options, and work diligently to help you get the positive results you seek efficiently and affordably. We have worked hard to build a compassionate practice, and we believe everyone deserves top-notch legal representation.

We promise to deliver personalized counsel you can rely on. You can trust your attorney to always have your best interests at heart and to fight zealously to increase the odds of achieving the most favorable outcome possible.

Honored for our remarkable professionalism and outstanding client service, our attorneys have earned consistent top lawyer designations and other awards and honors from our peers. Additionally, our law firm has received hundreds of five-star reviews from our clients, and we are proud to have helped so many in our communities.

To speak with us about your legal issues at no cost, you can contact Kruger & Hodges to request a free initial consultation. We have additional law offices in Hamilton, Eaton, Wilmington, Circleville and Washington Court House, and we currently offer virtual consultations in these uncertain times to help keep you safe and healthy.

About Kruger & Hodges

Practice Areas

  • Personal Injury
  • Car Accidents
  • Criminal Law



  • Pam Latulippe, Paralegal
  • Nicole Mazzini Kearns, Paralegal
  • Micha Wieland, Paralegal
  • Brandi Gullett, Paralegal

Office Information


300 N. Main Street Suite 375 Middletown, OH 45042


  • 513-894-3331

Offers Free Initial Consultation


Accepts Credit Cards


Office Hours

Available 24/7

Other Offices

Kruger & Hodges (Main Office) 220 S. Monument Avenue Suite 100 Hamilton, OH 45011 513-540-4272

Kruger & Hodges 113 1/2 South Court Street Suite 227 Circleville, OH 43113 740-497-4233

Kruger & Hodges 111 South Barron Street Eaton, OH 45320 937-733-6079

Kruger & Hodges 318 1/2 East Court Street Washington Court House, OH 43160 740-620-9018

Kruger & Hodges 36 West Main Street Wilmington, OH 45177 937-481-5030


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Firm Address

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300 N. Main Street Suite 375 Middletown, OH 45042

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