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Delvin J. Losing - Casselton, ND
746 Front StreetPost Office Box 308 Casselton, ND 58012 - 0308
Ohnstad Twichell, P.C.
Updated: 02/06/2024
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Casselton Real Estate Law Lawyer
Del Losing merged his law practice with Ohnstad Twichell in 2010. Del is married to Gwen Losing. They have three young children and reside in Casselton, North Dakota.About Delvin J. Losing
Practice Areas
- Real Estate Law
- Estate Planning & Probate
- Business & Corporate Law
Current Employment Position(s)
- Shareholder
Bar Admissions
- North Dakota
- Minnesota
Other Affiliations
- Law Review Board
- Casselton Business Association
- Red River Youth for Christ
- University of North Dakota School of Law, Grand Forks, North Dakota
Honors: With Distinction - Minnesota State University Moorhead
Major: Journalism
Past Positions
- Served as a law clerk to Chief Justice Gerald W. Vandewalle, North Dakota Supreme Court
- Served as a law clerk to Judge Karen K. Klein, federal magistrate Judge
Office Information
746 Front StreetPost Office Box 308 Casselton, ND 58012 - 0308
- (701) 347-4653
- Authored a note published in North Dakota Law Review
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Firm Address
(701) 347-4653