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Glenda Mitchell - Cartersville, GA
807 N. Tennessee StreetSuite 201 Cartersville, GA 30120
Glenda Mitchell Law Firm
Cartersville Personal Injury Lawyer
Glenda grew up in Greenville, South Carolina. Prior to attending law school, she graduated Anderson University, summa cum laude. Glenda found herself drawn to helping the injured directly out of college. She worked as a personal injury paralegal for more than 11 years. She then pursued a law degree from Atlanta's John Marshall Law School, graduating magna cum laude.
About Glenda Mitchell
Practice Areas
- Personal Injury
Current Employment Position(s)
- Attorney
- Atlanta's John Marshall Law School, Atlanta, Georgia
Honors: magna cum laude - Anderson University
Honors: summa cum laude
Office Information
807 N. Tennessee StreetSuite 201 Cartersville, GA 30120
- 770-234-4112
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