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John A. Juelson - Hillsboro, ND
510 West Caledonia Ave.P.O. Box 220 Hillsboro, ND 58045 - 0220
Ohnstad Twichell, P.C.
Updated: 02/06/2024
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Hillsboro Corporate & Business Law Lawyer
John Juelson concentrates his practice in the areas of agricultural law, including but not limited to, corporate farm work, farm income tax, retirement planning, real estate work, and other matters associated with agricultural law; estate planning; and probate administration. He has been the Hillsboro City Attorney since 1976. John Juelson joined Ohnstad Twichell as a shareholder in 1987. He practiced law in Hillsboro, North Dakota, with the firms of Viker and Juelson, and Berg and Juelson, prior to merging with Ohnstad Twichell in 1987. John and his wife Deb live in Hillsboro, North Dakota. He has four grown children: Tim, Christy, Jeff and Amanda.About John A. Juelson
Practice Areas
- Corporate & Business Law
- Estate Planning & Probate
- Real Estate Law
- Tax Law
Current Employment Position(s)
- Associate
Year Joined Firm
- 1987
Representative Clients
- City of Hillsboro, ND
Bar Admissions
- North Dakota, 1976
Other Affiliations
- State Bar Association of North Dakota (Member)
- American Bar Association (Member)
- University of North Dakota School of Law, Grand Forks, North Dakota
J.D., Doctor of Jurisprudence - University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota, 1972
B.A., Bachelor of Arts
Major: Social Science, emphasis in Economics
Fraternities and Sororities
- Tau Kappa Epsilon
- Phi Delta Phi
Past Positions
- Viker and Juelson
- Berg and Juelson
Office Information
510 West Caledonia Ave.P.O. Box 220 Hillsboro, ND 58045 - 0220
- (701) 636-4025
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(701) 636-4025