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John Higa - Federal Way, WA

31919 1st Avenue SouthSuite 103 Federal Way, WA 98003

Updated: 10/17/2024


John Higa has been an attorney for over 20 years, dedicating his career to providing quality legal advocacy for his clients. He was born and raised on U.S. military bases in Okinawa, which historically has had a high number of international marriages between American servicemen and Japanese nationals.

Mr. Higa speaks fluent Japanese. Through personal and professional experiences, John is familiar with the difficult situations that non-English speaking spouses often encounter when thrust into the complexities of the U.S. legal system.

Mr. Higa graduated with an Industrial Engineering degree from Arizona State University, a Masters in Accounting degree from the University of Nevada, and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Boyd School of Law. He is a Licensed attorney in Washington, Nevada, and Colorado, and has over 20 years of litigation experience.

Mr. Higa lives with his wife in Bellevue WA.


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31919 1st Avenue SouthSuite 103 Federal Way, WA 98003


  • 253-815-8458
  • 253-815-8458

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By Anonymous on Apr. 25, 2022

5.0 out of 5 stars

John recently gave me great advice during my consultation that directed me in the proper direction. He was attentive, professional, and generally made me feel comfortable for the reason of my visit. I would most definitely use any future services if needed. Thank you.


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- How are the lawyer's fees structured - hourly or flat fee? Can the lawyer estimate the cost of your case?

- Is the lawyer's office conveniently located?

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  • Determine the seriousness of complaints/issues which could range from late bar fees to more serious issues requiring disciplinary action.

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