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Jordan S. Coley - Aurora, CO

14426 E Evans Ave Aurora, CO 80014 - 1480

Updated: 11/14/2022


"I'm proud of representing injured individuals against large insurance companies who have devalued their injuries and everything they have gone through due to someone else's negligence."

Jordan S. Coley was raised in a small town in Arkansas then moved to Jacksonville, Florida. As a teenager, Ms. Coley was involved in a motorcycle crash that left her with serious injuries. Through the help of her attorney she was able to make a full recovery. That experience is what inspired Ms. Coley to become a personal injury attorney and dedicate her career to helping others recover from life altering injuries caused through no fault of their own., Ms. Coley has focused her time and energy on helping personal injury victims

In 2008, she received her undergraduate degree in criminal justice from the University of North Florida. With a passion for being involved in the legal environment, Ms. Coley decided to attend Florida Coastal School of Law where she received her law degree in 2012. Throughout law school, Ms. Coley clerked at a personal injury firm in Jacksonville Beach, Florida.

Prior to joining Franklin D. Azar & Associates, Ms. Coley practiced personal injury law for six years at a prominent Florida law firm. There, Ms. Coley handled a variety of cases including automobile collisions and child daycare injuries. Having come from a large firm, she's able to gain valuable trial experience and utilize her skills for the Colorado area. She joined Franklin D. Azar & Associates, P.C. in July 2018.

Jordan is an avid sports fan and enjoys cheering on her favorite football teams: the Jacksonville Jaguars and her Arkansas Razorbacks. Her favorite times are those spent with her family, friends and her beloved dog. She also enjoys spending time outdoors, from the beaches of Florida to the mountains of Colorado.


Office Information


14426 E Evans Ave Aurora, CO 80014 - 1480


  • 303-757-3206

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