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Robert L. Dawidiuk - Naperville, IL

1770 Park St#200 Naperville, IL 60563

Updated: 01/11/2024

Naperville Banking & Financial Lawyer


Robert Dawidiuk joined the Firm in 2003. Rob focuses his practice in representing financial institutions and national corporations in commercial credit facility litigation, secured contracts and property litigation, commercial litigation, intellectual property litigation and a wide-variety of transactional matters.

Recent Successes

  • Represented lender in documentation of $55 million syndicated credit facility
  • Represented international company for its $900 million manufacturing contract Won summary judgment on $10 million claim on behalf of commercial bank
  • Part of team securing settlement valued in excess of $35 million on behalf of luxury condominium owners, in out-of-state arbitration
  • Obtained class certification and successful settlement exceeding $7 million on behalf of class of bank stock holders
  • Obtained dismissal with prejudice of multi-million dollar claim asserted against client FDIC as receiver of failed bank
  • Since January 2013, sold or documented over $200 million in restructured commercial credit facilities on behalf of the Firm's lending clients, facilitating renovation and growth in DuPage County, Cook County, Kane County, and Will County
  • Negotiated and documented $8 million credit refinance on behalf of 501(c)(3) with out-of-state bank
  • Obtained dismissal with prejudice on behalf of bank client in suit from opposing bank for breach of contract seeking $1.5 million in damages
  • Defeated a temporary restraining order seeking to freeze more than $500,000 of assets of a manufacturing client, allowing the client to continue operating its facilities
  • Dismissed case asserting contract, fraud, warranty, and tort claims seeking damages exceeding $875,000, plus attorneys' fees, from an international manufacturing client
  • Obtained dismissal, with prejudice, of a shareholder derivative suit seeking $30 million from former bank directors
  • Dismissed, with prejudice, lawsuit seeking $4 million from former bank director
  • Dismissed, with prejudice, lawsuit seeking damages in the amount of $3.5 million for breach of fiduciary duty against bank director and officer


  • Division of Banking, Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation

About Robert L. Dawidiuk

Practice Areas

  • Banking & Financial
  • Breach of Contract & UCC Law
  • General Corporate Transactions
  • Intellectual Property Litigation
  • Real Estate & Real Estate Litigation

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Partner

Year Joined Firm

  • 2003


Bar Admissions

  • Illinois
  • U.S. District Court Northern District of Illinois
  • U.S. District Court Southern District of Texas
  • U.S. Court of Appeals Federal Circuit
  • U.S. Supreme Court


  • The John Marshall Law School, Chicago, Illinois
    Honors: cum laude
    Honors: Law Review
    Honors: Order of John Marshall
    Honors: Council of Higher Education Scholarship

Past Positions

  • Honorable John K. Madden, Cook County Chancery Court, Judicial Extern Clerk


Office Information


1770 Park St#200 Naperville, IL 60563


  • 630-527-1193

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1770 Park St#200 Naperville, IL 60563

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