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Samantha Erdmier - Providence, RI
321 S Main St.#200 Providence, RI 02903
Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD
Updated: 12/01/2022
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Providence Veterans Law Lawyer
About Samantha Erdmier
Practice Areas
- Veterans Law
Current Employment Position(s)
- Associate Attorney
Year Joined Firm
- 2021
Bar Admissions
- Illinois
- University of Illinois Chicago School of Law, Chicago, Illinois, 2020
Honors: Baim Scholar in 2018
Honors: 2020 Clinical Legal Education Association Outstanding Student Award
Honors: CAVC in the Veterans Legal Support Center and Clinic
Honors: Department of Veterans Affairs - Northern Illinois University, 2016
Honors: cum laude
Major: Political Science: Public Law
Minor: English
Office Information
321 S Main St.#200 Providence, RI 02903
- 401-421-3185
Office Hours
Open 24 Hours
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