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Scott E. Duffy - Pittsburgh, PA
Three Gateway Center401 Liberty Ave.22nd Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222 - 1005
Houston Harbaugh, P.C.
Pittsburgh Business Law Lawyer
As a member of the Business Law Group, Scott provides clients with general corporate and business counseling, as well as assists them with business planning, mergers and acquisitions, technology licensing, and corporate finance. Scott also has significant experience in the acquisition, disposition and leasing of commercial and residential real estate.
About Scott E. Duffy
Practice Areas
- Business Law
- Oil & Gas Law
Current Employment Position(s)
- Director
Bar Admissions
- Pennsylvania
Other Affiliations
- Allegheny County Bar Association (Member)
- University of Pittsburgh School of Law, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
J.D. - Albright College
Office Information
Three Gateway Center401 Liberty Ave.22nd Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222 - 1005
- 412-281-4499
Accepts Credit Cards
Office Hours
M - F, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
- http://www.pitiptechblog.com (Pittsburgh IP and Tech Blog)
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