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Updated: 05/10/2017
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Palatine Social Security -- Disability Lawyer
Shawn is a highly organized, hardworking, and a zealous advocate who is passionate about helping people with all aspects of their Social Security Disability claims. Shawn has experience filing applications for benefits, filing for reconsideration, filing request for hearing, drafting appeals council briefs, drafting federal court briefs, and drafting Equal Access to Justice Act petitions to collect fees. During his free time, Shawn enjoys running, bike riding, yoga, snowboarding, and spending time with friends and family.About Shawn M. Good
Practice Areas
- Social Security -- Disability 100%
Current Employment Position(s)
- Partner
- English
Bar Admissions
- Illinois, 2016
- U.S. District Court Northern District of Illinois, 2016
Office Information
800 East Northwest HighwaySuite 814 Palatine, IL 60089
- 800-709-1179
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