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Updated: 10/14/2019
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Poughkeepsie Intellectual Property, Patents, Trademarks Lawyer
About Stephen Ackerman
Practice Areas
- Intellectual Property, Patents, Trademarks
Current Employment Position(s)
- Attorney
Bar Admissions
- New York, 1996
Specialties and Certifications
- Patent Attorney, US Patent and Trademark Office, 1994
Other Affiliations
- American Intellectual Property Law Association
- American Bar Association
- New York State Bar Association
- Pace University School of Law, White Plains, New York
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, May, 1983
B.S., Bachelor of Science
Major: Electrical Engineering
Past Positions
- International Business Machines, Engineer
Office Information
28 Davis Avenue Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
- 845-471-2064
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