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- Howard A Ehring (Assistant Public Defender)
- Lisa R Stevens
- Thomas J Wynne (Assistant Public Defender)
Office Information
Geographic Area #1115 Hoyt Street Stamford, CT 06905 - 5703
Other Offices
State of Connecticut Chief Public Defender (Main Office) 4th Floor 30 Trinity St Hartford, CT 06106 - 1629 (860) 566-5328
State of Connecticut Public Defenders Office Fairfield Judicial Dist 1061 Main St Bridgeport, CT 06604 - 4222 (203) 579-6501
State of Connecticut Public Defender System Geographic Area #2 172 Golden Hill Street Bridgeport, CT 06604 (203) 579-6551
State of Connecticut Public Defender System Fairfield Juv Court Off. 784 Fairfield Ave Bridgeport, CT 06604 - 3701 (203) 579-6599
State of Connecticutt Public Defender System Office of the Public Defender 131 North Main Street Bristol, CT 06010 - 8101 (860) 589-5976
State of Connecticut Geographic Area #3 146 White Street Danbury, CT 06810 (203) 797-4405
State of Connecticut 106 Elizabeth St Derby, CT 06418 (203) 735-8616
State of Connecticut Public Defender System Public Defender System 111 Phoenix Ave Enfield, CT 06082 - 4440 (860) 741-3741
State of Connecticut Chief Public Defender Trial Services Unit Suite 201 One Hartford Square Hartford, CT 06106 - 1900 (860) 566-5328
State of Connecticut Public Defender System Hartford/New Britain Judicial District 101 Lafayette St Hartford, CT 06106 - 1509 (860) 566-4284
State of Connecticut Public Defender System 101 Lafayette St Hartford, CT 06106 - 1509 (860) 566-5090
State of Connecticut Public Defender System Juvenile Court Office 920 Broad Street Hartford, CT 06106 - 2402 (860) 566-7566
State of Connecticut Public Defender System G. A. #12 PO Box 1636 410 Center Street Manchester, CT 06040 (860) 649-6484
State of Connecticut Public Defender G A #7 54 W Main St Meriden, CT 06450 - 5646 (203) 238-6135
State of Connecticut G A #22 14 West River Street Milford, CT 06460 - 3396 (203) 874-8857
State of Connecticut Public Defender System Public Defender System 125 Columbus Blvd New Britain, CT 06051 - 4205 (860) 827-7110
State of Connecticut 235 Church St New Haven, CT 06510 - 1723 (203) 789-7891
State of Connecticut Public Defender System 121 Elm Street New Haven, CT 06510 - 2060 (203) 789-7458
State of Connecticut Public Defender System New Haven Juv Ct Office 239 Whalley Ave New Haven, CT 06511 - 3207 (203) 786-0330
State of Connecticut Public Defender System New London Judicial Dist. 70 Huntington Street New London, CT 06320 - 6113 (860) 443-0490
State of Connecticut Public Defender System Public Defender System 112 Broad Street New London, CT 06320 - 5739 (860) 443-5356
State of Connecticut Public Defender System Public Defender System 1 Courthouse Square Norwich, CT 06360 - 5706 (860) 889-3838
State of Connecticut Judicial District 115 Hoyt Street Stamford, CT 06905 (203) 965-5245
State of Connecticut Public Defender System Montville Juv. Ct. Office Po Box 462 869 Nrwch NW Ldn Tpke Uncasville, CT 06382 (860) 848-9213
State of Connecticut Judicial Dept. Law Library 300 Grand St Waterbury, CT 06702 - 1900 (203) 757-9217
State of Connecticut Public Defender System Public Defender System 7 Kendrick Ave Waterbury, CT 06702 - 2109 (203) 754-0195
State of Connecticut Public Defender System Wondham Judicial Dist. G A #11 108 Valley Street Willimantic, CT 06226 - 2606 (860) 423-6038
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How do I choose a lawyer?
Consider the following:
- Comfort Level
- - Are you comfortable telling the lawyer personal information? Does the lawyer seem interested in solving your problem?
- Credentials
- - How long has the lawyer been in practice? Has the lawyer worked on other cases similar to yours?
- Cost
- - How are the lawyer's fees structured - hourly or flat fee? Can the lawyer estimate the cost of your case?
- City
- - Is the lawyer's office conveniently located?
Not sure what questions to ask a lawyer?
Here are a few to get you started:
- How long have you been in practice?
- How many cases like mine have you handled?
- How often do you settle cases out of court?
- What are your fees and costs?
- What are the next steps?
Want to check lawyer discipline?
It is always a good idea to research your lawyer prior to hiring. Every state has a disciplinary organization that monitors attorneys, their licenses, and consumer complaints. By researching lawyer discipline you can:
- Ensure the attorney is currently licensed to practice in your state
- Gain an understanding of his or her historical disciplinary record, if any.
- Determine the seriousness of complaints/issues which could range from late bar fees to more serious issues requiring disciplinary action.