Enter legal issue and location
- Laura A Aalto
- Eduards R Abele
- Morris B Abram
- Linda Acaldo
- Annemarie Acosta
- Victoria L Adams
- Valerie C Aenlle-Rocha
- Lynne Affleck
- Lori A Leimomi Aiu
- Ross Alan Alari
- Cristine Albanese
- John D S Allen
- Robin E Allen
- Joseph A Amico
- Lowell F Anger
- Ellen J Weis Aragon
- Dana Masayuki Aratani
- Debra R Archuleta
- Jose M Arias
- Carla M Arranaga
- Christopher J Arriola
- Yoichi John Asari
- Phyllis C Asayama
- Mark M Ashen
- David A Augh
- Linda Y Baek
- Joanne K Baeza
- Laura J Baird
- Daniel Baker
- James B Baker
- Mia Ahrens Baker
- Isidoro Baly
- Michael M Ban
- Franco A Baratta
- Valerie Barreiro
- M Barreto-Morehouse
- Eleanor Weston Barrett
- Kenneth L Barshop (Deputy District Attorney)
- Steven Barshop
- Claudia M Bassin
- Andrew M Bassis (Deputy District Attorney)
- Marissa N Batt (Deputy District Attorney)
- Shanna Batten
- John W Bax
- Peggy Beckstrand
- Steven R Belis
- James M Belna
- Peter S Berman (Deputy District Attorney)
- John Paul Bernardi
- Jeannette M Bernstein
- Daniel Lee Bershin
- David A Berton
- Sandra Berton
- Eleanor D Bigolski
- Laurie Blaustein
- Peter Bliss
- Jane A Blissert (Deputy District Attorney)
- Barbara Block
- Monika M Blodgett
- Charles E Boag IV
- Lydia C Bodin
- B M Bolante-Martinez
- Pamela K Booth-Gulley
- Adalbert T Botello
- Andrea L Bouas
- Ronald E Bowers (Deputy District Attorney)
- Mary-Jean Bowman
- Jeffrey A Boxer
- James Robert Bozajian
- Dinko J Bozanich
- Peter A Bozanich (Deputy District Attorney)
- John L Breault III (Deputy District Attorney)
- Peter R Bregman
- Corilynn Breitwisch
- Kimberly A Bringgold (Deputy District Attorney)
- Glenn R Britton
- Robert M Brodney
- Ronda C Brody
- Amy Hannah Broersma
- Paul A Bronstein
- Daviann L Brooks
- Tracey L Buchanan-Brown
- Roberta S Buckner
- Robert L Budman
- Michael Buford
- Constance E Bugh
- Ronald M Bullotta Jr.
- Peter A Burke
- Mark Burnley (Prosecutor)
- Brenda L Burns
- Richard D Burns III
- Bryant E Bushling
- Linda Bushling
- Sandra Lynn Buttitta (Chief Deputy District Attorney)
- Matthew R Byrne
- Michael J Cabral
- Kathleen M Cady
- Peter J Cagney (Deputy District Attorney)
- Kent C Cahill
- Pamela M Cain
- Sheila E Callaghan
- Jonlyn Callahan
- Beverly Campbell
- David Campbell
- Debra M Canales-Montoya
- David L Canas
- Patrick J Cannon
- Scott G Carbaugh
- Vincent E Carberry (Deputy District Attorney)
- Karol Parrish Carleton
- Kendra L Carman
- Lori Carnahan
- Christine S Carr
- Ronald H Carroll (Deputy District Attorney)
- Renee Smith Cartaya (Deputy District Attorney)
- Alan C Carter
- Roxane M Carvajal
- Anthony Castaneda
- George Castello
- Deanne Castorena
- Kathleen Castro
- Loren Castro
- Susan Wondries Catalano
- Barbara J Catlow (Deputy District Attorney)
- Richard Ceballos (Deputy District Attorney)
- Priscilla S Musso Chan (Deputy District Attorney)
- Renee Chang
- Joseph P Charney
- Susan D Chasworth
- Duke T Chau
- Robert A Cheleden
- David Tin Yau Cheng
- Margo Childress
- Suzanne S Childs
- Linda A Chilstrom
- Carole A Chizever
- Marc A Chomel
- Cathy J Choy
- Joan M Chrostek
- Hoon Chun
- Kellyjean M L Chun (Deputy District Attorney)
- Charles Chung
- May W Chung
- Lisa Chung-Morrison
- Joseph D Civitate (Deputy District Attorney)
- William D Clark
- Loretta Cleary
- Donald J Clem
- Louann Clemens
- Robert L Cohen
- Anthony Colannino
- Benedetto Colella (Deputy District Attorney)
- Lucienne A Coleman
- Alfred A Coletta
- A Brent Collier
- Mark S Collier
- Scott D Collins
- Stephen L Cooley
- Jesse Cortez Jr.
- James L Cosper
- Mario A Coto-Lopez
- Jennifer Coultas
- Eugene P Crawshaw
- William A Crisci
- S Kelly Cromer
- Lori A Cruz
- Moira J Curry
- Dale E Cutler
- Lea P Dagostino
- Jessica Dabney
- David Stirling Dahle
- James C Daloisio
- Matthew J Dalton
- Daniel N Damon
- Eleanor Daniel
- Marcia B Daniel
- Michele L Daniels
- Dale Alan Davidson
- Vivian Davidson
- John R Davis (Deputy District Attorney)
- Michael E Davis
- Silas F Davis
- Pamela Davis-Springer
- Robert W Dawson (Deputy District Attorney)
- B A B Debarajas
- Robert C Decarteret (Deputy District Attorney)
- Dean B Degruccio
- G Alexis Delagarza
- Richard R Delasota
- Guy Delong
- Marc Debbaudt
- Michael J Delaney
- Elizabeth J Delgado
- David E Demerjian
- Gregory John Denton (Deputy District Attorney)
- Lori Dery
- Larry Diamond
- Marlo Dickman
- Beatrice Dieringer
- David R Disco (Deputy District Attorney)
- Patrick Richard Dixon (Deputy District Attorney)
- Yvonne Jensen Dodd
- Melissa Donaldson
- Wayne D Doss
- Patricia O K Doyle (Deputy District Attorney)
- Richard D Doyle
- Larry A Droeger
- Frank Duarte
- Michael J Duarte
- Darlene Duuglas-Ittu
- Robert A Dver
- Donald N Eastman
- Gail A Ehrlich
- Richard H Elias
- Anthony M Ellis
- Everett D Emerson
- David S Eng
- Terri Serrato Engler
- Brenda G English (Deputy District Attorney)
- Patricia J Erb
- Mary Ann Escalante (Deputy District Attorney)
- Deborah Escobar
- Joseph P Esposito (Deputy District Attorney)
- Anthony R Estradas
- David Evans
- John B Evans
- Mark L Evans (Deputy District Attorney)
- James W Fagan (Deputy District Attorney)
- James A Falco
- Terese E Farrell
- Edward G Feldman
- Lonnie A Felker (Deputy District Attorney)
- Renee A Fenton-Korn
- Brentford J Ferreira
- Dennis E Ferris
- Allen D Field
- Carol Fisch (Deputy District Attorney)
- Elliott L Fisher
- Michael A Fishman
- Sandra J Flannery
- William H Fleeson
- Monte C Fligsten
- Bruno Edward Flior
- Nicole T Flood
- Laura Lee Foland-Priver
- Robert B Foltz Jr.
- Gretchen A Ford
- Allan C Fork
- Lisa Fox
- Janet Fox-Strauss
- Candace Foy-Smith
- Steven G Frankland (Deputy District Attorney)
- Suzanne M Freeman
- Francesca J Frey
- Judy L Fridkis
- Robert A Friedlander (Deputy District Attorney)
- Christopher J Frisco (Deputy District Attorney)
- Pamela J G Frohreich
- Dennis R Fuhrman
- Sarah A Fuhrman
- Cheryl L Newman Gaines
- Mary Catherine Ganahl
- Sharon V Garabedian
- Manuel Garcia Jr.
- Jacques Garden (Attorney)
- Michael C Gargiulo
- Lisa M Garrett
- James W Garrison
- Ronald M Geltz
- Alan Michael Genelin
- Kathleen M Gentry
- Donald Leon Gerecht
- Nancy C Gichtin
- Steven P Giedzinski
- John F Gilligan (Deputy District Attorney)
- Michele D Gilmer
- Phillip G Glaviano
- George J Gliaudys Jr. (Deputy District Attorney)
- Jo Ann Glidden
- Craig M Gold (Deputy District Attorney)
- Mark F Goldman
- Teresa E Gomez
- Paula Gonzales
- Honey Bee Gonzalez
- Liliana H Gonzalez
- Lupe Gonzalez
- Sergio A Gonzalez
- Deanne H Goodman
- Scott K Goodwin
- Jeffrey Scott Gootman
- Ronald E Goudy
- Jessica B Goulden
- Thomas E Gowen
- Robert L Grace Jr. (Deputy District Attorney)
- E William Gravlin (Deputy District Attorney)
- Lori L Gray
- Thomas A Gray
- Kevin D Greber
- Edwin F Greene
- Louis A Grenier III (Deputy District Attorney)
- Bobby Grey
- Jay S Grobeson
- James W Grodin
- Michael J Grosbard
- Hilleri J Grossman
- Susan J Gruber-Waldman
- Roger John Gunson
- Rachel Gur-Arie
- David H Guthman
- Fernando Guzman
- Karen M Habeeb
- Latonya Hadnot
- Lance A Hafenstein
- Mario J Haidar
- Michael Hall
- Debra A Hall-Cole (Deputy District Attorney)
- Paul Philip Halpin (Deputy District Attorney)
- Leslie Hanke
- Eugene Hanks (Deputy District Attorney)
- Mary K Hanlon
- Tina L Hansen (Deputy District Attorney)
- Sandra Harris-Goen
- John J Harrold
- Cassandra Denise Hart-Franklin (Attorney)
- Sean Hassett
- Samer M Hathout
- Curtis A Hazell
- Charles R Hazelton
- Richard Basil Healey
- Gary F Hearnsberger (Deputy District Attorney)
- Robert P Heflin (Deputy District Attorney)
- Laurie F Helfing
- Anne M Hennigan
- Kimberly J Herman
- Jaime T Hernandez
- James R Hickey
- Richard H Hicks
- Thomas P Higgins
- Jacqueline R Hill
- Ruth G Hillman
- Richard A Hirsch
- William Wade Hodgman
- Harold W Hofman Jr.
- Andre M Holmes
- H Thomas Holmes
- Lou Holtz Jr.
- Tamia L Hope
- John M Hopkins-Luder
- Patricia H M Horikawa
- Peter M Horstman
- Rebecca J Houseman
- Otis Lee Hubbard
- Dirk Hudson
- Georgia Ann Huerta
- Craig W Hum
- Kenneth A Hunt
- Ann Huntsman
- Max G Huntsman
- Terese M Hutchison
- Gail E Huttenbrauck (Deputy District Attorney)
- Anne Ingalls
- Steven J Ipsen
- Steven E Ipson
- Karen Ivey
- David W M Jacobs
- James David Jacobs
- Donald S Jakubowski
- Ardith V Javan
- Myron L Jenkins
- Richard L Jenkins
- Gregory D Jennings
- Mary Jessup (Deputy District Attorney)
- Janis E Johnson
- William H Johnson
- Christine Johnston
- Jeffrey C Jonas (Deputy District Attorney)
- Lori-Ann C Jones
- Malcolm S Jordan
- Robert F Jordan Jr.
- Michael H Juarez
- Lisa K Kaas
- Tal Kahana
- Lisa Kahn
- Randi Kaplan
- Leah H Karr
- Ronald I Karz (Deputy District Attorney)
- Deborah D Kass
- Imogene M N Katayama
- Gloria J Katz (Deputy District Attorney)
- Steven I Katz
- Stephen R Kay
- Brian R Kelberg
- Jeff Kelly
- William Kelly
- Howard Martin Kelner
- Leslie M Kenyon
- Henry J Kerner
- Mary A Keyfauver
- John Kildebeck
- Helen H Kim
- James R Kimmel (Deputy District Attorney)
- Lesley Klein
- Marian M Klein
- Fred Klink
- Thelma Harris Knight
- George J Knoke (Deputy District Attorney)
- Robert A Knowles
- James E Koller
- Ann M Korban (Deputy District Attorney)
- Irene Korn
- Peter J Korn
- Nicholas H Koumjian (Deputy District Attorney)
- Thomas R Krag
- Deborah L Kranze
- Nicole C Krenn
- Frederick J Kubik (Deputy District Attorney)
- Amy Kuhnert
- Robert F Kuhnert
- Lester C Kuriyama (Deputy District Attorney)
- Diane Labruschiano
- Jacquelyn Lacey
- Joann Lach
- Debra Lamb
- Ken E Lamb
- Theodore H Lamb (Deputy District Attorney)
- Herbert R Lapin
- Larry L Larson
- Sue G Lasicka
- Eric N Lavine
- Cathryn Law
- Margaret Lawrence
- Farrel F Lebenzon
- Donna S Lebowitz (Deputy District Attorney)
- Lisette A Lee
- Daniel A B Lenhart
- Jennifer B Lentz
- Roderick W Leonard
- Kimberly J Leong
- Judith D Levey
- Darren R Levine
- Robert E Levy (Deputy Public Defender IV)
- Stephen B Lewallen
- John Lewin
- Cheri A Lewis (Deputy District Attorney)
- Rebecca E Lewis (Deputy District Attorney)
- Walter H Lewis
- Nancy Lewis-Keller
- Stephen S Licker
- Nancy A Lidamore (Deputy District Attorney)
- Jay A Lipman (Deputy District Attorney)
- Valerie Little
- Richard H Llewellyn Jr. (Special Counsel to the District Attorney)
- Corene S Locke-Noble
- Dennis A Lockfield
- Theodore A Loewen
- Linda Loftfield
- Ana Maria Lopez
- David J Lopez
- David R Lopez (Deputy District Attorney)
- Steven Lopez
- Daniel Mark Lorsch (Deputy District Attorney)
- Kenneth A Loveman
- Richard A Lowenstein
- Frank Lukus
- Jason P Lustig
- Edmund M Lutes Jr.
- Kenneth E Lynch
- Stuart Charles Lytton
- Albert H MacKenzie
- Fred E Macksoud
- Tuppence Macintyre
- Laura J Maglinger
- Teri Maksoudian
- Robert R Maline
- Michael R Mallano
- Charles L Mandel (Deputy District Attorney)
- Joan Johnson Manley
- Anthony C Manzella
- Vesna Maras
- Kenneth Lee Marks (Deputy District Attorney)
- Joseph A Markus
- Daniel T. Marshall (Deputy Public Defender II)
- Joseph R Martinez
- Patricia R Martinez
- Larry Mason
- Yael A Massry
- Sharon J Matsumoto (Deputy District Attorney)
- Janice L Maurizi
- Bradley L McCartt
- Donna M McClay
- Michael J C McCrossen
- Jennifer C McDonald
- Kathleen McEnroe
- Lawrence F X McGrail (Deputy District Attorney)
- Jeffrey A McGrath (Deputy District Attorney)
- Mara McIlvain
- Andrew J McMullen
- Margaret J McNair
- Carolyn L McNary (Deputy District Attorney)
- Scott McPheron
- C S Meagher-Walker
- Renee B Meckler
- Alfonso J Medina
- Michael D Meehan
- Stephen A Meister
- Juan R Mejia
- James A Mendez
- Karen Mendoza
- Marc L Merrick
- Danette E Meyers (Deputy District Attorney)
- Alice Miguel
- Nikola M Mikulicich
- Edward A Miller
- Robert S Miller
- Thomas E Miller
- Susan D Mills
- Paul L Minnetian
- Stephanie P Mire
- Craig H Missakian
- Sherman L Mitchell
- Theresa E Mitchell
- Edward Saul Mizrahi (Deputy District Attorney)
- Kateri Modder
- Margaret J Moe (Deputy District Attorney)
- Denise Beryl Moehlman
- Wendy Mohammed-Derzaph
- Eugene J Monaghan Jr.
- Melita G Montgomery
- Norman F Montrose
- Janet S Moore
- Elena Mora
- Patrick D Moran
- Vivian M Moreno
- John R Morris
- Lawrence C Morrison
- Rosalie L Morton
- John M Moulin (Deputy District Attorney)
- Phillips W Mueller
- Walter H Mueller
- W Randall Muenzberg
- Fred V Munoz
- Barbara G Murphy
- R Dan Murphy
- Melinda J Murray
- Stephen Musselman
- Joseph F Musso
- Antony J Myers
- Nancy M Naftel (Deputy District Attorney)
- Carol Jane Najera
- Tammy Nakada
- Carolyn K Nakaki
- Cynthia Michiko Nakao
- John F Nantroup Jr. (Deputy District Attorney)
- Joseph Louis Navarro (Deputy District Attorney)
- F David Newbarr (Deputy District Attorney)
- Kirk H Newkirk (Deputy District Attorney)
- John M Niedermann
- David A Nielsen (Deputy District Attorney)
- Gary A Nielsen
- Karen K Nishita
- Edward J Nison
- Rebecca Anne Noblin
- Jean Normandeau
- Sterling E Norris (Deputy District Attorney)
- Michael P Noyes (Deputy District Attorney)
- Paul M Nunez
- Maureen A O'Brien
- Thomas O'Brien
- Daniel B O'Connell
- Michael J Ogara
- Ricardo R O'Campo
- Garie Lynn Oehler
- Martin M Oghigian
- Craig I Omura
- Joan Hatsuyo Otsu
- Paulette L Paccione
- Lauro Pacheco Jr.
- George M Palmer
- Paula B Palmor
- Maria Palomino
- Thomas A Papageorge
- Michael Pargament
- Ann H Park
- Karen L Parsons
- Deborah A Passow
- Victoria Pasternack
- William B Patrick
- Joseph D Payne III
- James Richard Pearce (Deputy District Attorney)
- Neala M Peck
- William F Penzin
- Jan I Perlstein (Deputy District Attorney)
- John A Perlstein (Deputy District Attorney)
- Eric J Perrodin
- Clayburn H Peters (Deputy District Attorney)
- Annette Peterson
- Lorraine C Peterson
- Erwin Petilos
- Michael K Pettersen (Deputy District Attorney)
- Judith Pettigrew
- Christopher A Pfau
- Paul R Pfau
- Anna Katarina Phillips
- Eloise G Phillips
- Falomi Pierson
- Ralph W Plummer
- Dennis B H Poey
- Celia Politeo
- Suzanne P Porrazzo
- John A Portillo
- Stewart J Powell
- Susan M Powers
- Shannon Scott Presby
- James R Provenza
- James A Prudhomme Jr.
- Linda Castillo Puentes
- Sue Jean Fong Quon (Deputy District Attorney)
- Phillip H Rabichow
- Myra Radel
- Grace Shu-Huei Rai
- Elizabeth Ramey
- Maria E Ramirez (Deputy District Attorney)
- Jeffrey C Ramseyer (Deputy District Attorney)
- John Allen Ramseyer
- Shawn Nicole Randolph
- Carol A Rash
- Elizabeth J Ratinoff
- Patricia B Redifer
- Lynn Reed
- Selwyn C Reid (Deputy District Attorney)
- Linda Sue Reisz
- Rosabella E Reyes
- Andrew P Reynolds Jr.
- Hilary A Rhonan
- Ilean A Richard
- Nicholas C Rini
- Karen Rizzo
- Sheilah F Roberts
- Charlotte Robertson
- Victor M Rodriguez
- Pearl Romano
- Thomas A Romeyn
- Jennifer Rosa
- Linda S Rosborough
- Carol L Rose
- Reid A Rose (Deputy District Attorney)
- Valerie Scott Rose (Deputy District Attorney)
- Jonathan Rosen
- Joseph H Rosen
- George K Rosenstock
- Richard A Rosenthal
- David R Ross
- Ruth Becker Roth
- Jeffrey Rubenstein
- Todd Barrett Rubenstein
- Judith L Rubin (Deputy District Attorney)
- Lael Ronna Rubin
- Todd D Rubinstein
- Nancy K Ruffolo
- Carmen M Rugnetta
- Georgina Ruiz (Deputy District Attorney)
- Ann Rundle
- Meredith Rust
- Devallis Rutledge (Attorney)
- Patricia Shea Ryan
- William John Ryder (Deputy District Attorney)
- Cathy Davis Sabag
- Kelly A Sakir
- Marlene L Sanchez
- Kim Santini
- Wayne T Sato (Deputy District Attorney)
- Gina T Satriano
- Ray Victor Saukkola
- Roy W Saukkola
- Rhonda B Saunders (Deputy District Attorney)
- Robert E Savitt
- Brian S Schirn
- Robert Schirn
- Juliet E Schmidt
- Penny L Schneider
- K Schofield-Cohn
- David L Schorr
- Steven P Schreiner
- Andrea R Schrote
- Roberta T Schwartz (Deputy District Attorney)
- Susan R Schwartz (Deputy District Attorney)
- William H Schwartz
- Michael T Sciorra (Deputy District Attorney)
- Alisanne Scolnik
- Lisa G Scott (Deputy District Attorney)
- Betty E Seawell
- Mary A Sedgwick
- Stanley S Seeman
- Wendy E Segall
- Kurt S Seifert
- Hyatt E Seligman (Deputy District Attorney)
- Jeffrey Semow
- Patrick J Sequeira (Deputy District Attorney)
- Julie M Sergojan
- Paul Sergojan
- Marilyn J Seymour
- B Kay Shafer
- Leonard J Shaffer (Deputy District Attorney)
- Ralph F Shapiro
- Christine Sherman
- Jodi A Sherman
- Joseph D Shidler
- Kathryn E Kolts Showers
- Patricia Brown Shrader
- Beth E Silverman
- Lawrence S Silverman
- Shari K Silverman
- Lorraine A Silvers
- Aaron J Singer
- Hyman Sisman
- George G Size
- Richard Size
- Susan E Skelding
- Steven M Slavitt
- Ronald L Smalstig
- Carrie L Smith
- Christine Smith
- Diana L Smith
- Kim E Smith
- Taraneh Smith
- Timothy T Smith (Deputy District Attorney)
- William E Smith Jr.
- Dennis L Snapp
- Arunas A Sodonis
- Gregson A Somes
- Joseph Sorrentino
- Anthony J Sousa
- Steven A Sowders
- Stephanie A Sparagna
- John C Spence III
- Lydia Spencer
- John K Spillane (Deputy District Attorney)
- Sara St Clair
- Marc C St Hippolyte
- Ellen St John
- Kraig S St Pierre
- James J Stark
- Debra H Starr
- Susan F Steinfeld
- Susan F Steinfield
- Frederick G Stewart (Deputy District Attorney)
- Lorrie S Stewart (Deputy District Attorney)
- Michael P Stewart
- Phillip R Stirling
- Bradford E Stone
- Richard Stone
- Carol J Straughn
- Howard T Strauss (Deputy District Attorney)
- Amy Fujiko Suehiro
- Richard F Sullivan
- Frances J Sulman
- Diana L Summerhayes
- Shirley Sui-Nin Sun
- Frank E Sundstedt Jr.
- Mary Suzukawa
- Richard Taklender
- Don M Tamura
- Karen Lee Tandler
- Susan C Tannenbaum
- Nicholas D Taubert (Deputy District Attorney)
- Katharyne Baker Taylor
- Terrie Tengelsen
- Diana M Teran
- Terrence Sadao Terauchi
- Mja Lynne Thiesmeyer (Deputy District Attorney)
- Sally A Thomas
- William H. Thomas Jr.
- William Thomas Jr.
- Keith L Thompson
- Karen L Thorp (Deputy District Attorney)
- Mark G Tompkins
- Jordan Anne Torgerson
- Leonard J Torrealba
- Ralph Torres
- John Carlos Tosello
- Laurie Trammell
- Michael E Tranbarger
- Sidney D Trapp Jr. (Deputy District Attorney)
- Thomas Lawrence Trapp
- David R Traum (Deputy District Attorney)
- Jennifer K Turkat
- Barbara E Turner
- Dolores M Turner
- Ephriam Ray Turner Sr.
- Kathleen J Tuttle
- Allan S Tyson (Deputy District Attorney)
- John F Urgo
- Renee F Urman
- Richard J Vagnozzi
- Beth L Vanarnam
- Diane L Vezzani
- Mark B Vezzani
- Robert L Villa
- Charmaine E Villard
- Rory L Wagner (Deputy District Attorney)
- Irene T Wakabayashi
- Greta Backstrom Walker
- Joan F Walker (Deputy District Attorney)
- Julianne Walker
- Robert Frank Wallace
- Larry D Walls
- Julie Watson
- Tracy J Watson
- Richard H S Weber (Deputy District Attorney)
- Harry M Webster III (Deputy District Attorney)
- Ruth Low Wei (Attorney)
- Hilda B Weintraub (Deputy District Attorney)
- Abram Weisbrot
- Wendy Weisler
- Christina Sonu Weiss
- Steven Elliot Weiss (Deputy District Attorney)
- David F Wells
- Thomas R Wenke
- Robert B Werner
- Sean L Werner
- Kerry L White
- Terry L White
- Wendy Lee Widlus
- Dara E Williams
- Stanley P Williams (Deputy District Attorney)
- Donna L Wills
- Janet Wilson
- Michael Wilson
- Richard A Wilson
- Jane E Winston (Deputy District Attorney)
- Ann M Wise
- Philip C Wojdak
- Lance K Wong
- David J Wooden
- William Woods
- Brian L Wooldridge
- Garrett Worchell
- Helen Gordon Woznak
- Daniel J Wright
- Gilbert S Wright (Deputy District Attorney)
- Karen Kay Wullschleger
- Javan James Wygal Jr.
- Phillip H Wynn
- Christi Yandell
- Michael A Yglecias
- Alan S Yochelson
- Christina A Young (Deputy District Attorney)
- Kevin R Young
- Thad D Young
- John M Zajec
- Marisa Zarate
- Martha C Zepeda
- R. Todd Zink
Office Information
210 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office Hours
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday
- (213) 974-1484
Other Offices
Los Angeles County District Attorney 415 W Ocean Blvd Long Beach, CA 90802 - 4544 (562) 491-6301
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How do I choose a lawyer?
Consider the following:
- Comfort Level
- - Are you comfortable telling the lawyer personal information? Does the lawyer seem interested in solving your problem?
- Credentials
- - How long has the lawyer been in practice? Has the lawyer worked on other cases similar to yours?
- Cost
- - How are the lawyer's fees structured - hourly or flat fee? Can the lawyer estimate the cost of your case?
- City
- - Is the lawyer's office conveniently located?
Not sure what questions to ask a lawyer?
Here are a few to get you started:
- How long have you been in practice?
- How many cases like mine have you handled?
- How often do you settle cases out of court?
- What are your fees and costs?
- What are the next steps?
Want to check lawyer discipline?
It is always a good idea to research your lawyer prior to hiring. Every state has a disciplinary organization that monitors attorneys, their licenses, and consumer complaints. By researching lawyer discipline you can:
- Ensure the attorney is currently licensed to practice in your state
- Gain an understanding of his or her historical disciplinary record, if any.
- Determine the seriousness of complaints/issues which could range from late bar fees to more serious issues requiring disciplinary action.