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Updated: 11/17/2020
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- Steven H. Alpert (Assistant Attorney General)
- Julia E. Anderson (Attorney)
- Kristyn Marie Anderson (Attorney)
- Frederic J. Argir (Assistant Attorney General)
- James P. Barone (Assistant Attorney General)
- Angela M. Behrens (Assistant Attorney General)
- Jeffrey S. Bilcik (Attorney)
- Sara Pesola Boeshans (Assistant Attorney General)
- Sara Lommel Bruggeman (Assistant Attorney General)
- Beverly A. Bryant (Attorney)
- Daniel Charles Bryden (Assistant Attorney General)
- James William Canaday (Assistant Attorney General)
- Noah A. Cashman (Assistant Attorney General)
- Martha J. Casserly (Assistant Attorney General)
- Jeanne M. Cochran (Assistant Attorney General)
- Ann E. Cohen (Assistant Attorney General)
- Beverly M. Conerton (Assistant Attorney General)
- David Michael Cullen (Assistant Attorney General)
- Gary R. Cunningham (Attorney)
- Marsha Eldot Devine (Assistant Attorney General)
- Carmen Lynn Chittick Dierking Netten (Attorney)
- Ian Marc Dobson (Assistant Attorney General)
- James B. Early (Assistant Attorney General)
- Melissa Jeanne Eberhart (Assistant Attorney General)
- Joan M. Eichhorst (Assistant Attorney General)
- Jeremy Daniel Eiden (Attorney)
- Christie Bennett Eller (Deputy Attorney General)
- Jackson John Joseph Evans (Attorney)
- Gail Alison Feichtinger (Assistant Attorney General)
- Mathew Alan Ferche (Assistant Attorney General)
- Ricardo Alberto Figueroa (Assistant Attorney General)
- Kevin Andrew Finnerty (Assistant Attorney General)
- Rory Hill Foley (Assistant Attorney General)
- Matthew Glen Frank (Assistant Attorney General)
- Kermit N. Fruechte (Assistant Attorney General)
- Tibor M. Gallo (Assistant Attorney General)
- John B. Galus (Assistant Attorney General)
- John Steven Garry (Assistant Attorney General)
- Alan I. Gilbert (Solicitor General)
- Ronald Mitchell Giteck (Assistant Attorney General)
- Douglas Jerome Gregor (Assistant Attorney General)
- Barry R. Greller (Assistant Attorney General)
- Tamar N. Gronvall (Attorney)
- John Duane Gross (Assistant Attorney General)
- Scott Alan Grosskreutz (Assistant Attorney General)
- Steven M. Gunn (Assistant Attorney General)
- James E. Haase Major USMCR (Assistant Attorney General)
- Scott Edward Haldeman (Assistant Attorney General)
- Karen Annette Finstad Hammel (Assistant Attorney General)
- Shannon Marie Harmon (Assistant Attorney General)
- Nathan W. Hart (Assistant Attorney General)
- Nathan James Hartshorn (Assistant Attorney General)
- Leah Mary Percich Hedman (Attorney)
- Darryl Jerome Henchen (Attorney)
- Carla J. Heyl (Assistant Attorney General)
- Bryan Durail Huffman (Assistant Attorney General)
- Gregory P. Huwe (Attorney)
- Scott Hiromi Ikeda (Assistant Attorney General)
- David Peter Iverson (Assistant Attorney General)
- Margaret Elise Jacot (Assistant Attorney General)
- Cynthia Beth Noren Jahnke (Assistant Attorney General)
- Gina Dorlissa-Derby Jensen (Assistant Attorney General)
- Linda S. Jensen (Assistant Attorney General)
- Bernard E. Johnson (Assistant Attorney General)
- Eric A. Johnson (Assistant Attorney General)
- Samantha K. Juneau (Assistant Attorney General)
- Christopher Michael Kaisershot (Assistant Attorney General)
- Geoffrey S. Karls (Assistant Attorney General)
- Natasha Malea Karn (Assistant Attorney General)
- Kelly Susan Kemp (Assistant Attorney General)
- Paul R. Kempainen (Assistant Attorney General)
- Max Hollister Kieley (Assistant Attorney General)
- Angela M. Helseth Kiese (Assistant Attorney General)
- William F. Klumpp Jr. (Assistant Attorney General)
- Paul Kenneth Kohnstamm (Assistant Attorney General)
- Jacob Richard Kraus (Assistant Attorney General)
- Elizabeth Bell Kremenak (Assistant Attorney General)
- Julie Ann Leppink (Assistant Attorney General)
- Mark B. Levinger (Assistant Attorney General)
- Thomas Madison
- Peter Dale Magnuson (Assistant Attorney General)
- Audrey Kaiser Manka (Assistant Attorney General)
- Peter Reed Marker (Assistant Attorney General)
- Sarah Ann McGee (Assistant Attorney General)
- Karen Beth McGillic (Assistant Attorney General)
- Stephen Daniel Melchionne (Assistant Attorney General)
- Kimberly Jean Middendorf (Assistant Attorney General)
- Kelly O'Neill Moller (Assistant Attorney General)
- Vera A. Myers (Attorney)
- Jill Schlick Nguyen (Assistant Attorney General)
- Kristi Ann Nielsen (Assistant Attorney General)
- Anthony Richard Noss (Assistant Attorney General)
- Thomas M. O'Hern Jr. (Assistant Attorney General)
- Corrie Alexis Baer Oberg (Assistant Attorney General)
- Jocelyn F Olson (Attorney)
- Karen Diane Olson (Deputy Attorney General)
- Michele M. Owen (Assistant Attorney General)
- Kimberly Ross Parker
- Deborah R. Peterson
- David L. Phillips (Assistant Attorney General)
- Jason Timothy Pleggenkuhle (Assistant Attorney General)
- Robert Britt Roche (Attorney)
- Kevin James Rodlund (Assistant Attorney General)
- Charles Otto Roehrdanz (Attorney)
- Gregory James Schaefer (Assistant Attorney General)
- Eric Peter Schieferdecker (Assistant Attorney General)
- Michael Alan Sindt (Assistant Attorney General)
- Patricia A. Sonnenberg (Assistant Attorney General)
- Lori R. Swanson (Attorney General)
- Jeffery Scott Thompson (Attorney)
- Michael James Tostengard (Assistant Attorney General)
- Andrew J. Tourville Jr. (Assistant Attorney General)
- Binh Thanh Tuong (Assistant Attorney General)
- James Alan Van Buskirk (Assistant Attorney General)
- Richard L. Varco Jr. (Assistant Attorney General)
- Thomas C. Vasaly (Assistant Attorney General)
- David Strommen Voigt (Attorney)
- Alan C. Williams (Assistant Attorney General)
- Kathleen L. Winters (Assistant Attorney General)
- Kathryn Morrell Woodruff (Assistant Attorney General)
- Alfred P. Zdrazil (Assistant Attorney General)
Office Information
1800 Bremer Tower445 Minnesota Street St. Paul, MN 55101
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How do I choose a lawyer?
Consider the following:
- Comfort Level
- - Are you comfortable telling the lawyer personal information? Does the lawyer seem interested in solving your problem?
- Credentials
- - How long has the lawyer been in practice? Has the lawyer worked on other cases similar to yours?
- Cost
- - How are the lawyer's fees structured - hourly or flat fee? Can the lawyer estimate the cost of your case?
- City
- - Is the lawyer's office conveniently located?
Not sure what questions to ask a lawyer?
Here are a few to get you started:
- How long have you been in practice?
- How many cases like mine have you handled?
- How often do you settle cases out of court?
- What are your fees and costs?
- What are the next steps?
Want to check lawyer discipline?
It is always a good idea to research your lawyer prior to hiring. Every state has a disciplinary organization that monitors attorneys, their licenses, and consumer complaints. By researching lawyer discipline you can:
- Ensure the attorney is currently licensed to practice in your state
- Gain an understanding of his or her historical disciplinary record, if any.
- Determine the seriousness of complaints/issues which could range from late bar fees to more serious issues requiring disciplinary action.