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Luvell Leigh Glanton - Nashville, TN

915 Jefferson Street2nd Floor Nashville, TN 37208 - 2633

Updated: 11/21/2014

Nashville Personal Injury Lawyer


Nashville Medical Malpractice Attorney | Murfreesboro Tractor Trailer Accident Lawyer

Law Offices of Luvell L. Glanton is a personal injury law firm dedicated to providing high quality, aggressive legal representation to victims of personal injury. Our firm handles many different types of personal injury cases, most of which are covered in detail on this website. Among the many kinds of cases we handle are claims for:

  • People injured by dangerous, defective and unsafe drugs, medical devices and consumer products. These are called product liability claims, and they include the latest drug litigation over Baycol, found to cause serious injury and death due to a muscle condition called rhabdomyolysis; the diabetes drug Rezulin, which has been withdrawn from the market after being found to cause severe liver damage, liver failure and death; as well as Propulsid, which is a heartburn medication withdrawn from the market after being linked to hundreds of heart rhythm abnormalities and many deaths. These medical product liability claims also include defective Medtronic Sprint Fidelis Leads claims.
  • People suffering from hemorrhagic stroke caused by the chemical additive Phenylpropanolamiine, or PPA, a common ingredient in over the counter weight loss drugs as well as cold and cough medications.
  • Babies who suffer birth injuries, brain damage, or cerebral palsy due to birth trauma or medical malpractice.
  • People who suffer injuries due to hospital staff negligence and medical malpractice. These claims include nursing home abuse, one of today's most troubling areas.
    People injured in automobile accidents and tractor trailer accidents resulting from the negligence of other drivers.
  • People suffering from asbestos related lung disease, including asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer.
  • Construction workers or other workers injured through the negligence of others.
    Victims of toxic torts, such as harm caused by pesticides, lead paint, chemical exposure, or water contamination.
  • People injured by defective vehicles or vehicle design, such as in the Toyota recall litigation.

An initial discussion with us about your case is free of charge or obligation, and we only charge a fee if we're successful in recovering an award for you. We will not ask you to pay a retainer fee up front, because we recognize that most people cannot afford to do so. Our fees are based on a percentage of any recovery we make for you. This is called a contingent fee agreement.

About Luvell Leigh Glanton

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Attorney

Practice Areas

  • Personal Injury
  • Motor Vehicle Accidents
  • Premises Liability
  • Truck Accidents
  • Wrongful Death
  • Drugs & Medical Devices
  • Animal Bites
  • Defective Products
  • Sexual Abuse - Plaintiff


Bar Admissions

  • Tennessee, 1990
  • U.S. District Court Middle District of Tennessee, 1990


  • Drake University Law School, Des Moines, Iowa, 1989
  • Tennessee State, 1980
    Major: Criminal Justice


Accepts Credit Cards

Office Information


915 Jefferson Street2nd Floor Nashville, TN 37208 - 2633


  • (615) 244-7226

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