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John Delk Attorney at Law - Texarkana, TX

1302 Olive Street Texarkana, TX 75501

Updated: 03/09/2024

Texarkana Family Law Firm

About John Delk Attorney at Law


  • English (Primary)
  • German
  • Spanish

Practice Areas

  • Family Law


  • 95%


  • Angelo State University Distinguished Alumni, 2018
  • Lone Star Legal Aid Most Contested Cases Handled, 2017 - 2019

Classes and Seminars

  • Remembering the Church in your Estate Plan, St. Mary's Episcopal Church, 2007 - 2008

Pro Bono Activities

  • Volunteer Lone Star Legal Aid Texarkana, 2005 - Present
  • Pro Bono College of the State Bar of Texas, 2015 - Present

Representative Clients

  • Black Financial Group
  • Owens Trucking, LLC
  • Shelby's Service Center and Tires
  • Texark Wings, Inc. dba Wing Stop


  • Mark Burgess
  • Jay Maguire
  • Jeff Harris
  • Israel Klein

Ancillary Businesses

  • Competitive Youth Soccer Coach (FIFA Class E License)
  • Soccer Referee





Accepts Credit Cards

Office Information


1302 Olive Street Texarkana, TX 75501

Office Hours

Monday- Thursday: 8:00AM-5:00PM, Friday: 8:00AM-3:00PM Saturday-Sunday: By Special Appointment Only


  • 903-794-1234

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By Anonymous on Dec. 17, 2021

5.0 out of 5 stars

The team was professional and keep me updated on the progress of my case.

By Margarita H. on Dec. 15, 2021

5.0 out of 5 stars

Mr. Delk and Mrs. Christy and staff were amazing! I couldn't ask for anyone better! From the moment the received my case to the day my case was close; they made sure everything was correctly and made sure I understand everything. Never hesitated to answer the millions of questions I had. I would definitely recommend them to any friends or family!

By Anthony Y. on Nov. 16, 2021

5.0 out of 5 stars

Me. Delk and his team were very thorough in collecting all relevant information. When we showed up to court he had everything he needed and more due to the information he asked of me. He did an amazing job in court as well. I was amazed by how he knew exactly what to do. Definitely recommend everyone using him!!

By Pastor Nicole H. on Jun. 12, 2020

5.0 out of 5 stars

I am a Pastor of a local church in town. I am not being paid or coerced in any way to say this. These are my true thoughts & opinions! I know, sometimes you can' t quite trust reviews......please trust this one!!! Attorney John Delk & paralegal Christina Collins are top notch. You wouldn't think that a church would need an attorney, trust me.....we do! Attorney Delk & his staff were very professional & knowledgeable when it came to the laws, statutes & codes regarding our case. I know for a fact that we would not have WON our case, if it wasn't for Attorney Delk & the hard work & research he & staff put in. Matter of fact, the judge even stated to the other party who was suing, that they should have gotten an attorney......I want to add "Like Mr. Delk". Its NOT just about having an attorney; it's about having the RIGHT attorney!!! Mr. Delk is THAT ATTORNEY; he is involved in the community. He cares!!! Again I say, he is very informed & knowledgeable about the laws of the land. I recommend him for your case. He is honest & up front; he will tell you what he can/cannot do. What to expect or not expect; no promises.....just the truth. I recommended him to someone & they called. Although Attorney Delk couldn't assist (due to the type of case), he took the time to point my friend to another attorney that could assist! I'm telling you.....he's the real deal!!! He's top notch!!! He will tell you the truth!!! Once our church retained him, I then discovered that other members of our church had used him for other issues in their case.....& they loved him/his law office as well. Contact Attorney Delk for your law needs; hire this man for your case. I'm telling you, he was awesome for us....we won!!!

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Consider the following:

Comfort Level
- Are you comfortable telling the lawyer personal information? Does the lawyer seem interested in solving your problem?

- How long has the lawyer been in practice? Has the lawyer worked on other cases similar to yours?

- How are the lawyer's fees structured - hourly or flat fee? Can the lawyer estimate the cost of your case?

- Is the lawyer's office conveniently located?

Not sure what questions to ask a lawyer?

Here are a few to get you started:

  • How long have you been in practice?
  • How many cases like mine have you handled?
  • How often do you settle cases out of court?
  • What are your fees and costs?
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Want to check lawyer discipline?

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  • Ensure the attorney is currently licensed to practice in your state
  • Gain an understanding of his or her historical disciplinary record, if any.
  • Determine the seriousness of complaints/issues which could range from late bar fees to more serious issues requiring disciplinary action.

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