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A legal claim that arises from exposure to hazardous substances or toxic materials is a toxic tort. Toxic torts involve individuals who are seeking compensation for harm and damages suffered due to exposure of these substances. These can include many scenarios, including occupational exposure, consumer products, environmental contaminations, and medications. Some key considerations of toxic torts are:
Harmful substances
Causation and liability
Types of claims
Class action and mass torts
Expert testimony
Statutes of limitations
Parties involved in production, distribution, or handling of the toxic substances can be held liable in a toxic tort case, depending on the circumstances of the case. Consulting with an experienced toxic tort attorney can help you understand the potential liability of parties involved, based on the laws of your state. Potential liability can include:
Distributors and suppliers
Property owners
Contractors and subcontractors
Depending on the substances involved, and the circumstances surrounding the exposure, individuals can experience a wide range of health effects. If you suspect exposure to toxic substances, it is advisable to seek medical attention and consult with a healthcare professional. Common health effects can include:
Respiratory issues
Neurological disorders
Reproductive and developmental issues
Organ damage
There are several legal options available for individuals exposed to toxic substances who are wanting to seek justice and compensation for their injuries. An experienced attorney can help navigate these options for you. They can include:
Personal injury lawsuits
Product liability claims
Toxic tort lawsuits
Environmental litigation
Workers’ compensation claims
Class action lawsuits
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