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Nathan C. Reeve - Hurricane, UT

86 N 3400 WBldg C Suite 101 Hurricane, UT 84737

Updated: 04/23/2024


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86 N 3400 WBldg C Suite 101 Hurricane, UT 84737


  • 435-635-7100

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By Anonymous on May. 19, 2023

5.0 out of 5 stars

Mr Reeve was assigned as the court appointed defense attorney to my son who was facing serious charges. Because of the serious charges it would have been way too costly to hire a private attorney. But in the end we felt we wouldn’t have been any better off. Mr Reeve took the time to pursue and review the available evidence, he took the time to take my phone calls, listen to me, understand my concerns and understand my son. He took a fair and balanced view of the case and when needed he fought for fair treatment for my son. My son trusted him and when we would offer to pay for a private attorney when we became fearful at different steps in the process my son said he trusted Mr Reeve and wanted to continue to work with him. The resulting plea agreement and sentence felt fair due to the support and advocacy of Mr Reeve in a situation that could have resulted in a much worse outcome. We appreciate his professionalism, knowledge, and compassion.


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By Tiffeny G. on Sep. 05, 2019

0.5 out of 5 stars

He was court-appointed to me and I contacted him the day after his court appointed to me I was told that he would contact me I’ve been contacted in the next week twice in that week and was told he would contact me if not see me at court which is a joke you should contact me prior I think got to court and didn’t even know who the man was until I walked up to the podium he handed me a plea agreement I asked if I talk to him he stepped out of the court room for a second with me and walked right back in the quart room I have been contacting him all week long no return phone calls I then told his secretary yesterday that if I did not hear from him by today at 5 o’clock I would be contacting the courts because I feel he does not want to represent me well I am contacting the courts first thing tomorrow morning because he did not Call me Which as I let his secretary now and I have felt in my family has felt since I have been appointed him that he does not have my best interest in mind this saddens me I read the reviews on the man I was hoping they weren’t true but he proved it today by not contacting me he doesn’t care about you doesn’t matter if he’s court appointed to you or not obviously because I don’t have the money to pay for him and he was appointed to me by court he thinks he doesn’t need to represent me properly and that’s fine as I said Nathan Reeve I am asking for a new attorney because you refused to contact me anytime we manner you were my attorney you were to represent me to the fullest that which as I let his secretary know and I have felt in my family has felt since I have been appointed him that he does not have my best interest in mind this saddens me I read the reviews on the man I was hoping they weren’t true but he proved it today by not contacting me he doesn’t care about you doesn’t matter if he’s court-appointed to you or not obviously because I don’t have the money to pay for him and he was appointed to me by court he thinks he doesn’t need to represent me properly and that’s fine as I said Nathan rave I am asking for a new attorney because you refused to contact me anytime we manner you were my attorney you were to represent me to the fullest that you can and you are to have my best of interest in mind when you do that was that or was that not the agreements with the courts that you made that’s what I was told by the courts I don’t get in trouble much so it sickens me that I got in trouble and I have to deal with it and now it looks like it be best if I represent myself because my attorney does not care about the little man you’re a sad individual Nathan Reeves you might need to try a different career because you don’t have your heart in this one

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