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Stella L. Pitts - Seattle, WA

719 Second Ave.Suite 520 Seattle, WA 98104

Updated: 07/12/2017

Seattle Complex family law Lawyer


Stella has been managing her own family law practice since 2001. Although Stella concentrates primarily on complex dissolution and custody cases, she is expanding her practice to include estate planning and business litigation.

Through her varied involvement in the courts and community, Stella has established a network of colleagues and experts to assist her in strategizing settlement.

Stella entered the legal profession by managing small law firms in Alaska and Texas for over 10 years. At the same time, she earned an undergraduate degree in 1980 from the University of Alaska in Anchorage with a major in Business Administration, and a law degree from the University of Houston Law Center in 1986.

She gained experience as a family law attorney at Keller Rohrback and Casey Gordon Davis, civil litigation firms in the Seattle area. She then opened a partnership practice in Seattle focusing primarily on family law.

In her own family law practice, Stella concentrates on restructuring families through integrity and problem-solving. She believes in the concept of transformational law, which defines law as a healing profession whose purpose is to optimize human well-being in their complicated relationships with other humans.

Stella is a member of the American Bar Association, Washington State Bar Association, King County Bar Association, and King County Washington Women Lawyers, for which she served as president in 1996. She regularly conducts continuing legal education seminars on family law issues.

Stella serves on the Family Law CASA Board of Directors and participates in the committee meetings in order to support children's well-being. She is passionate about creating support systems for children who are affected by the court process. Every year Stella hosts a table at the CASA fundraisers and she regularly donates to various charitable causes.

About Stella L. Pitts

Practice Areas

  • Complex family law

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Principal


Bar Admissions

  • Washington, 1986

Other Affiliations

  • Washington State Bar Association (Member)
  • American Bar Association (Member)
  • King County Bar Association (Member)
  • King County Washington Women Lawyers, 1996 - Present (Past President)
  • Hosted a table at the "Breakfast With Champions” , 2011 - 2016
  • Pro Bono Awards Committee: American Bar Association, 2014 - 2015 (Chair )
  • American Bar Association Section of Family Law Diversity Committee, 2012 - 2014 (Member)
  • Board of Directors of Family Law CASA of King County (Member)
  • AAML (American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers) (Member )


  • University of Houston Law Center, Houston, Texas
    J.D., Doctor of Jurisprudence
  • University of Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska, 1980
    B.A., Bachelor of Arts
    Major: Business Administration

Past Positions

  • Keller Rohrback and Casey Gordon Davis, Family law attorney

Classes and Seminars

  • Speaker at the 2015 CLE Conference in Portland Oregon
  • Program Chair: WSBA CLE Conference, June 5, 2013
  • AAML Washington Chapter: Speaker at the 6th Annual Mary H. Wechsler Family Law Symposium for King Count Bench
  • Speaker at the 2014 CLE Conference in Seattle, Washington


Office Information


719 Second Ave.Suite 520 Seattle, WA 98104


  • 206-447-7746

Accepts Credit Cards


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719 Second Ave.Suite 520 Seattle, WA 98104

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