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Denasha A. Scott - Milwaukee, WI

1200 North Mayfair RoadSuite 430 Milwaukee, WI 53226 - 3282

Super Lawyers®


Updated: 04/23/2021

Milwaukee Business Law Lawyer


Attorney Denasha A. Scott is a partner with Stafford Rosenbaum LLP. Her practice is devoted to assisting businesses and individuals in preserving, protecting and enhancing their wealth. Her clients include closely held businesses, professional practices, families, and wealthy individuals. Her practice includes business planning and corporate law, estate planning and business succession planning, probate and trust administration, tax planning, and charitable organizations.

Examples of Ms. Scott's recent work include:

  • Counsel to businesses and professional practices on a wide variety of ongoing business needs, including organization and development of corporations, LLCs, and partnerships, business planning and corporate compliance, contract drafting and negotiations, corporate restructurings, joint ventures, spin-offs, mergers, acquisitions, and the ultimate sale of the business.
  • Counsel to individuals, families, and businesses regarding appropriate estate planning, business succession and tax planning arrangements to carry out their goals and objectives.
  • Counsel to families, personal representatives and trustees on all aspects of probate and trust administration, including estate and gift tax return preparation, private letter rulings, and representation before the IRS and Wisconsin Department of Revenue.
  • Counsel to family foundations and tax-exempt organizations.

Ms. Scott received her undergraduate degree, summa cum laude, from Beloit College, where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. She received her law degree, magna cum laude, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1997, with Order of the Coif honors.

Ms. Scott is a member of the Business Law, Taxation, and Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Sections of the American Bar Association and the Wisconsin Bar Association. She is actively involved in the community, serving as Vice President of Friends of Boerner Botanical Gardens and as a member of the Board of Advisors of Positive Programs for the Family, Inc.

About Denasha A. Scott

Practice Areas

  • Business Law
  • Trusts and Estates
  • Foundations and Nonprofits
  • Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Partner


Bar Admissions

  • Wisconsin, 1997
  • U.S. District Court Western District of Wisconsin, 1997
  • U.S. District Court Eastern District of Wisconsin, 1997

Other Affiliations

  • Association for Women Lawyers, 1997 - Present
  • Milwaukee Young Lawyers Association, 1997 - Present
  • Milwaukee Bar Association, 1997 - Present
  • American Bar Association, 1997 - Present


  • University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1997
    Honors: magna cum laude
    Honors: Order of the Coif
  • Beloit College, Beloit, 1994
    Honors: summa cum laude
    Major: History
    Major: Government


Other Sources of Feedback About Denasha A. Scott

Included on the 2012 Wisconsin Super Lawyers list

Past Lists

  • 2011 Wisconsin Super Lawyers list
  • 2009 Wisconsin Super Lawyers list
  • 2007 Wisconsin Super Lawyers list

View the profile for Denasha A. Scott on Super Lawyers


Office Information


1200 North Mayfair RoadSuite 430 Milwaukee, WI 53226 - 3282


  • (414) 982-2889

Accepts Credit Cards


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Firm Address

(414) 982-2889
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1200 North Mayfair RoadSuite 430 Milwaukee, WI 53226 - 3282

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