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Birmingham Litigation Law Firm
- Scott A. Abney (Shareholder)
- Matthew A. Aiken (Partner)
- John Alford Jr.
- Stewart Alvis
- Harris Anthony
- Kimberly Araoz
- Alina Arbuthnot
- Edward Hayes Arendall (Associate)
- J. Hansen Babington
- Lee E. Bains (Shareholder)
- Josh B. Baker (Associate)
- Erica Williamson Barnes (Associate)
- Jared K. Barron
- Kevin W. Beatty (Partner)
- Beth G. Beaube (Shareholder)
- Allen B. Bennett (Associate)
- John Douglas Bethay (Associate)
- Marky Bingham
- Joe Bird
- Harrison Kimbrough Bishop (Shareholder)
- Robert Blackburn
- Bo Bledsoe (Associate)
- Bo Bledsoe
- John N. Bolus (Shareholder)
- Jessica E. Bonds
- Christie Keifer Borton (Associate)
- Elizabeth Killebrew Bradley (Associate)
- Marcie Paduda Braswell (Shareholder)
- T. Wesley Brinkley (Shareholder)
- Thomas H. Brinkley (Shareholder)
- Erin O'Neill Brooks (Of Counsel)
- Judson Ryan Brooks (Associate)
- Ryan Brooks
- Scott S. Brown (Shareholder)
- C. Brandon Browning (Shareholder)
- Kemberli Marks Bryant (Shareholder)
- Thomas W. H. Buck
- Wesley R. Bulgarella
- Stephen J. Bumgarner (Partner)
- Emily C. Burke
- Carl S. Burkhalter (Shareholder)
- John H. Burton Jr. (Partner)
- Kathryn J. Bushby (Associate)
- James R. Bussian (Shareholder)
- Thomas Julian Butler (Shareholder)
- Caron Byrd
- Maria B. Campbell (Of Counsel)
- Matthew J. Cannova
- Seth F. Capper
- William T. Carlson Jr. (Of Counsel)
- Nathaniel M. Cartmell IV
- Carmen Chambers
- C. Bradley Cherry (Associate)
- James Childs (Partner)
- Thomas C. Clark III (Shareholder)
- Tres Cleveland (Shareholder)
- Cheryl D. Cobb
- Bryan A. Coleman (Shareholder)
- Katherine A. Collier (Associate)
- Kathleen A. Collier (Partner)
- John David Collins (Shareholder)
- Scott Connally
- David H. Cooper (Partner)
- N. Lee Cooper (Shareholder)
- Thomas Louis Coppedge (Shareholder)
- Maggie Johnson Cornelius (Associate)
- Todd H. Cox (Associate)
- Michal E. Crowder
- Catherine Phillips Crowe (Associate)
- Gregory S. Curran (Shareholder)
- Sarah R. Daley
- Hannah Darby
- Richard J. Davis (Shareholder)
- Lauren C. DeMoss (Shareholder)
- Caroleene Hardee Dobson
- Sarah Elizabeth Dorner (Associate)
- Luther M. Dorr (Shareholder)
- Robert F. Dow (Partner)
- Mark Livingston Drew (Managing Shareholder)
- Starr Turner Drum (Associate)
- John P. Dulin Jr. (Shareholder)
- Andrea Dunuwila (Associate)
- Audrey Yearout Dupont (Shareholder)
- John Earnhardt (Shareholder)
- Matt Edinger
- Kathryn Roe Eldridge (Shareholder)
- Prim Formby Escalona (Associate)
- Michael E. Evans
- Michael E. Evans
- Jessica Shaver Everest (Associate)
- Alexander B. Feinberg (Associate)
- Baker Findley
- Charles M. Fleischmann
- G. Maria Fleisher (Associate)
- Mark D. Foley Jr.
- Robert H. Fowlkes (Shareholder)
- Christopher C. Frost (Shareholder)
- Peter S. Fruin (Shareholder)
- Hugh Gainer
- Nikisha B. Gala
- Lucas B. Gambino (Shareholder)
- Kara Massey Garstecki (Associate)
- Andrea Dunuwila Germany (Associate)
- W. Bowman Givhan
- Sarah S. Glover (Associate)
- W. Clark Goodwin (Shareholder)
- W. Clark Goodwin
- Zachary E. Goozee
- Stephanie J. Gossett
- James L. Goyer III (Shareholder)
- Jeff Grantham (Shareholder)
- Timothy W. Gregg (Shareholder)
- Mitchell D. Greggs (Associate)
- Matthew W. Grill (Shareholder)
- Jessica Stetler Grover (Shareholder)
- Kimberly L. Hager (Attorney)
- Ivan L. Hand (Attorney)
- Lorrie L. Hargrove (Shareholder)
- Christopher Brame Harmon (Shareholder)
- Charles M. Hartman (Associate)
- George Hayek
- Vanesa Hernandez (Associate)
- Josh Hess
- Brandt P. Hill
- Taryn E. Hodinka (Associate)
- John B. Holmes (Shareholder)
- Edward M. Holt (Shareholder)
- Heyward C. Hosch (Shareholder)
- Edward A. Hosp (Shareholder)
- David H. Humber (Associate)
- Stephen C. Jackson (Shareholder)
- Shruti Jaishankar
- Anthony A. Joseph (Shareholder)
- Charles J. Kelley
- Kendra N. Key
- James W. King (Shareholder)
- Jimmy King (Shareholder)
- David R. Kinman (Partner)
- Jonathan Kipp (Partner)
- Jessica Faye Kubat (Associate)
- Jayna Partain Lamar (Shareholder)
- Cynthia G. Lamar-Hart (Shareholder)
- John T. Lanier (Shareholder)
- Sarah Yates Larson (Shareholder)
- Joe Frank Lassiter III (Shareholder)
- Hongpyo Lee
- Jeffrey Allen Lee (Shareholder)
- Tiffany Threlkeld Leonard (Associate)
- James C. Lester (Associate)
- Warren B. Lightfoot (Shareholder)
- John A. Little (Associate)
- Katie Evans Loggins (Shareholder)
- J. Kris Lowry (Shareholder)
- George Gambrill Lynn (Shareholder)
- John Thomas A. Malatesta (Shareholder)
- Mary K. Mangan
- Michel M. Marcoux (Associate)
- Daniel H. Markstein (Shareholder)
- Claire Martin
- Molli Masaniai
- William Thomas Mayfield IV (Associate)
- Stephanie Houston Mays (Associate)
- Shema Neza Mbyirukira (Associate)
- Jennifer R. McCain (Shareholder)
- J. Ethan McDaniel (Shareholder)
- Thomas M. McElroy (Shareholder)
- Jennifer Justice McEwen (Associate)
- Virginia T. McKibbens (Associate)
- Jessica McKinney
- Janine Alicia McKinnon (Associate)
- Jim G. McLaughlin
- Steven L. McPheeters (Shareholder)
- Frank Dixon McPhillips (Shareholder)
- Bryan J. Mills
- Jon L. Mills
- Kenneth Henson Millsap (Associate)
- C. Randall Minor (Of Counsel)
- Christopher Marlowe Mitchell (Shareholder)
- James L. Mitchell (Shareholder)
- Evan P. Moltz (Associate)
- Bonnie Branum Monroe (Shareholder)
- Jennifer M. Moore
- Lauren Morina
- Randall H. Morrow (Shareholder)
- Irene Motles
- Michael D. Mulvaney (Shareholder)
- J. Leland Murphree (Shareholder)
- Grace Robinson Murphy (Shareholder)
- N. Riley Murphy
- Drayton Nabers Jr. (Shareholder)
- James P. Naftel II (Shareholder)
- John C. Neiman Jr. (Solicitor General)
- Carol Sue Nelson (Shareholder)
- Melissa C. Neri
- David Thomas Newton (Associate)
- Carling T. Nguyen
- Andrew S. Nix (Shareholder)
- Trenton O'Malley
- Edward A. O'Neal
- M. Beth O'Neill (Shareholder)
- Kathryn J. Ottensmeyer (Partner)
- Benjamin Alan Owens (Associate)
- James Franklin Ozment (Shareholder)
- Robert Karl Ozols (Associate)
- T. Brannon Parker (Associate)
- Melinda Lucas Peevy (Of Counsel)
- Christian A. Pereyda (Associate)
- David A. Perry (Associate)
- Greg Peterson
- Brock Phillips
- James K. Pickle
- Elizabeth Pilcher
- James M. Pool (Shareholder)
- Joel C. Porter (Shareholder)
- Maibeth J. Porter (Shareholder)
- Julie Wilson Portera (Shareholder)
- Grace J. Posey
- Heather Aubrey Powell (Associate)
- Marcia W. Pratt (Of Counsel)
- J. Hobson Presley (Partner)
- James L. Priester (Shareholder)
- Rebecca W. Pritchett
- Rich Pugh
- Frances King Quick (Shareholder)
- Tiffany P. Rainbolt
- Christopher Scott Randolph Jr. (Associate)
- Ashley R. Rhea
- David B. Ringelstein (Partner)
- Ashlee D. Riopka
- Jeffrey G. Rogers
- Jim Rotch (Partner)
- Matthew A. Rowley
- Clayton Michael Ryan (Shareholder)
- Alyson Leigh C. Saad (Associate)
- James L. Sanders III
- Laura E. Sanders
- J. Michael Savage
- J. Michael Savage (Shareholder)
- Amy Wilson Savoie (Of Counsel)
- Hayley N. Scheer
- Kirby Sevier (Shareholder)
- Robert R. Sexton (Shareholder)
- Mitesh B. Shah (Shareholder)
- Lee L. Sheppard (Shareholder)
- David Michael Smith (Shareholder)
- Joseph E. Smith (Shareholder)
- R. Harrison Smith III (Associate)
- Will A. Smith (Of Counsel)
- John A. Smyth III (Shareholder)
- Finis E. St. John V (Associate)
- Stephen W. Stallcup (Shareholder)
- Jennifer Stanley
- Barry A. Staples (Shareholder)
- Matthew W. Stiles (Associate)
- Stephen W. Still (Shareholder)
- Christine Marie Rucinski Strong (Shareholder)
- Steven W. Strother
- Robert Wayne Tapscott Jr. (Shareholder)
- Ashton S. Taylor
- Jarred Otis Taylor II (Shareholder)
- M. Allison Taylor (Shareholder)
- Mary Allison Taylor (Shareholder)
- Thomas W. Thagard (Shareholder)
- Ryan D. Thompson (Associate)
- Jonathan Davis Thornbury (Associate)
- Braxton Thrash
- Ann Watford Todd
- John Alan Truitt (Shareholder)
- Damon Bart Turner (Shareholder)
- William B. Wahlheim (Shareholder)
- Paul Wallace
- Robert Waller
- Hardwick C. Walthall (Shareholder)
- Heather E. Ward
- Brian Allen Warwick (Associate)
- Katharine A. Weber (Shareholder)
- Kacey Weddle
- H. Thomas Wells (Shareholder)
- H. Thomas Wells Jr.
- Jennifer Hanson Wheeler
- Lindsay Whitworth (Associate)
- Chris J. Williams (Shareholder)
- Doug Williams (Shareholder)
- Doug Williams
- Adrienne Wimberly
- Caleb C. Wolanek
- Bradley H. Wood (Of Counsel)
- Lois S. Woodward (Shareholder)
- Ashley T. Wright
- Mary Caroline Wynn
- Melissa H. Yan (Associate)
- Millard V. Young IV
Office Information
1901 Sixth Avenue NorthSuite 1700 Birmingham, AL 35203
Other Offices
Maynard Cooper & Gale 655 Gallatin Street SouthWest Huntsville, AL 35801 (256) 551-0171
Maynard Cooper & Gale, P.C. RSA Battle House Tower 11 North Water Street Suite 27000 Mobile, AL 36602 (251) 432-0001
Maynard Cooper & Gale 11 North Water Street RSA Battle House Tower Suite 24290 Mobile, AL 36602 (251) 432-0001
Maynard Cooper & Gale 770 Washington Avenue RSA Plaza Suite 421 Montgomery, AL 36104 (334) 420-0795
Maynard Cooper & Gale, LLP 1925 Century Park East Suite 1700 Los Angeles, CA 90067 (310) 596-4500
Maynard Cooper & Gale, LLP 600 Montgomery Street Transamerica Pyramid Center Suite 2600 San Francisco, CA 94111 (415) 704-7433
Maynard Cooper & Gale 801 Pennsylvania Avenue Suite 950 Washington, DC 20004 (202) 868-5920
Maynard Cooper & Gale 9100 South Dadeland Boulevard Suite 1500 Miami, FL 33156 (305) 735-3750
Maynard Cooper & Gale The Alliance Center 113 South Monroe Street First Floor Tallahassee, FL 32301 (850) 201-7173
Maynard Cooper & Gale 551 Fifth Avenue The Fred Floor French Building Suite 2000 New York, NY 10176 (646) 609-9280
Maynard Cooper & Gale 3835 Cleghorn Avenue Suite 250 Nashville, TN 37215 (615) 297-7001
Maynard Cooper & Gale 5949 Sherry Lane Sterling Plaza Suite 850 Dallas, TX 75225 (214) 239-2358
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How do I choose a lawyer?
Consider the following:
- Comfort Level
- - Are you comfortable telling the lawyer personal information? Does the lawyer seem interested in solving your problem?
- Credentials
- - How long has the lawyer been in practice? Has the lawyer worked on other cases similar to yours?
- Cost
- - How are the lawyer's fees structured - hourly or flat fee? Can the lawyer estimate the cost of your case?
- City
- - Is the lawyer's office conveniently located?
Not sure what questions to ask a lawyer?
Here are a few to get you started:
- How long have you been in practice?
- How many cases like mine have you handled?
- How often do you settle cases out of court?
- What are your fees and costs?
- What are the next steps?
Want to check lawyer discipline?
It is always a good idea to research your lawyer prior to hiring. Every state has a disciplinary organization that monitors attorneys, their licenses, and consumer complaints. By researching lawyer discipline you can:
- Ensure the attorney is currently licensed to practice in your state
- Gain an understanding of his or her historical disciplinary record, if any.
- Determine the seriousness of complaints/issues which could range from late bar fees to more serious issues requiring disciplinary action.