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Douglas C. Martinson II - Huntsville, AL

115 Northside Square Huntsville, AL 35801

Virtual Appointments

Updated: 02/18/2024

Huntsville Car Accidents Lawyer


Doug Martinson II was born and raised in Huntsville and is a third generation Huntsville High School graduate. Since 1990 when he joined Martinson & Beason, P.C., Doug has been a leader in the Huntsville community. His practice focuses on estate planning and probate, wills and trust, guardianship and elder law as well as corporate and business planning and disputes.

Doug graduated from the University of Alabama in 1986 with a degree in Finance. In college he was involved with student government, serving as President of the College of Commerce & Business Administration. When the C&BA Dean retired, Doug was selected for the Dean search committee. He was a member of the prestigious Jason’s society, Anderson’s society and Omega Delta Kappa. Additionally, he was an officer and was selected as best active for his fraternity, Phi Gamma Delta.

At Washington & Lee University School of Law, Doug served as President of the Student Bar Association and Chairman of the Legal Research Association. In 1989, he was selected to receive the Am.Jur. Award for Legal Research.

Doug is a leader in the Huntsville community: past president of the Huntsville School Board, past president of Rotary Club of Huntsville and past president of Huntsville Young Lawyers. While serving on the Huntsville City School Board, Martinson worked with other elected officials to bring home over 82 million dollars for school construction for his district including new buildings for Huntsville High, Lee High, Goldsmith Schiffman Elementary and Blossomwood Elementary as well as renovations and additions to numerous schools. As Rotary president, Doug spearheaded a project which provided $75,000 for the purchase of medical equipment for a pediatric oncology hospital in Guatemala to treat indigent children there with cancer. He has also served on the Library Foundation Board.

In his spare time, Doug referees ice hockey and enjoys reading, snowing skiing and playing golf and tennis. Although today he mostly referees youth league games, he refereed the Division II championship in 1994 and still referees NCAA Division I College Hockey. He and his wife Lauren have two sons, Clay and Reed. Both are active with baseball, football, basketball, tennis and soccer. They attend First United Methodist Church in Huntsville

About Douglas C. Martinson II

Practice Areas

  • Car Accidents
  • Probate Law
  • Estate Law
  • Wills and Trusts
  • Elder Law


  • 10%

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Shareholder


  • English


Bar Admissions

  • Alabama, 1989
  • District of Columbia, 1991
  • U.S. Court of Appeals 11th Circuit, 1993
  • U.S. District Court Northern District of Alabama, 1991
  • U.S. Tax Court, 1991

Other Affiliations

  • College of Commerce & Business Administration (President)
  • College of Commerce & Business Administration (Dean search committee)
  • Huntsville Young Lawyers (Past President)
  • Huntsville-Madison County Bar Association , 2015 - 2016 (President)
  • Huntsville-Madison County Bar Association, 2016 (Executive Committee)


  • Washington and Lee University School of Law, Lexington, Virginia, 1989
    Honors: President of the Student Bar Association
    Honors: Chairman of the Legal Research Association
    Honors: Am.Jur. Award for Legal Research
  • Boston University School of Law, Boston, Massachusetts, 1990
    LL.M. Tax
  • University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA, 1986
    Major: Finance
  • Huntsville High School graduate

Fraternities and Sororities

  • Omega Delta Kappa
  • Phi Gamma Delta

Past Positions

  • Town of Triana, Alabama, Town Attorney, 1994 - 2010
  • Johnston Barton Proctor, Summer Associate, 1988

Pro Bono Activities

  • Anderson’s society, member
  • Jason’s society, member
  • Huntsville School Board, past president
  • Past president of Rotary Club of Huntsville
  • Library Foundation Board
  • Division II championship, referee, 1994 - Present
  • NCAA Division I College Hockey, referee
  • First United Methodist Church in Huntsville
  • Madison County Volunteer Lawyers' Association, 2009 - 2016

Classes and Seminars

  • Drafting Wills + Trusts in Alabama
  • Estate Planning and Retirement, Office of Personnel Management

Ancillary Businesses

  • Huntsville City School Board President, 2002-2010



  • Who's Who Among American Colleges and Universities, 1986 - Present
  • Who's Who Among American Law Students, 1989 - Present


Office Information


115 Northside Square Huntsville, AL 35801


  • 256-533-1696

Accepts Credit Cards


Office Hours


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115 Northside Square Huntsville, AL 35801

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