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Mangum, Wall, Stoops & Warden, P.L.L.C. - Flagstaff, AZ

112 North Elden StreetPost Office Box 10 Flagstaff, AZ 86001 - 0010

Updated: 11/11/2024

Flagstaff Business Law Firm


With a history that dates back to 1933, the Mangum, Wall, Stoops & Warden, P.L.L.C., law firm in Flagstaff, Arizona, has become the trusted source for individuals, families and businesses seeking the highest level of representation possible for their serious and complex legal challenges.

Serving a diverse range of clients across the state, the attorneys at the law firm possess decades of legal experience, and they deliver customized solutions and unmatched counsel and advocacy to those who have legal needs involving any of the following practice areas:

  • Business law including entity creation and management
  • Real estate law
  • Wills, trusts, estates and probate including Elder Law matters
  • General litigation including personal injury/commercial collections
  • Education, municipal and public law
  • Construction law
  • Tribal and American Indian law
  • Adoption
  • Family Law

Taking a proactive approach when dealing with their clients' needs, the law firm's attorneys strive to help their clients avoid legal disputes whenever possible. However, should a dispute reach the point of litigation, they will work tirelessly to protect the rights and interests of those they serve.

In all cases, the attorneys at Mangum, Wall, Stoops & Warden, P.L.L.C., will stand by you to help ensure you achieve the positive results you expect and deserve. Courteous and responsive, they will always treat you with compassion and respect while remaining constantly accessible to address your questions and concerns as they arise.

From this client-centered approach and unwavering dedication to those they serve, their law firm has earned the respect of both clients and peers alike, and they have developed long-standing relationships with many of their past clients.

To discuss your needs, you can contact their law office to schedule an initial consultation.

About Mangum, Wall, Stoops & Warden, P.L.L.C.

Practice Areas

  • Business Law
  • Real Estate Law
  • Litigation
  • Wills, Trusts, Estates & Probate
  • Education Law
  • Elder Law
  • Construction Law
  • Zoning & Land Use Planning
  • Tribal & Indian Law
  • Personal Injury
  • Family Law
  • Adoption


  • 50%

Representative Clients

  • City of Williams
  • Flagstaff Unified School District
  • Victim Witness of Northern Arizona




  • Sheri A. Biro, Legal Support
  • John Feeney, Research Analyst/Librarian
  • Cathryn S. Anderson, Legal Support
  • Shana Brownlee, Paralegal/Legal Assistant
  • Leann Picard, Paralegal/Legal Assistant
  • Janette Riepe, Paralegal/Legal Assistant

Office Information


112 North Elden StreetPost Office Box 10 Flagstaff, AZ 86001 - 0010


  • (928) 773-1312

Accepts Credit Cards




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(928) 773-1312
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112 North Elden StreetPost Office Box 10 Flagstaff, AZ 86001 - 0010

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