Enter legal issue and location
- Paul W Ahler
- Mark K Ainley (Deputy County Attorney)
- Linda Alauria
- Lawrence M Alt
- Kurt M Altman
- Bill V Amato
- Angela Andrews
- Maria Armijo
- Terrea L Arnwine
- Lisa M Aubuchon (Staff Attorney)
- Michael William Baker (Deputy County Attorney)
- William S Baker
- Richard W Baldwin
- Eileen M Barrett
- Mark L Barry
- David A Bash (Deputy County Attorney)
- Jeremy Bernstein
- Jeremy B Bernstein
- Karen M Black
- James E Blair Jr.
- John Boyle (Staff Attorney)
- Maria R Brandon
- Catherine Breeze
- Michael A Breeze (Deputy County Attorney)
- Harold F Brenneman Jr.
- Manuel A Bustamante
- Barbara L Caldwell
- Theodore Campagnolo (Staff Attorney)
- Jeffrey S Cappellini (Staff Attorney)
- William J Carter III
- Edwin F Cathcart Jr. (Narcotics Bureau Chief)
- James V Charnell
- Barbara A Christensen
- Terri L Clarke
- William Wright Clayton (Deputy County Attorney)
- Gaye E Cochran
- Tina R Combs
- N Victor Cook
- Mary F Collins Cronin
- William K Culbertson
- Kimberly J Cummings (Staff Attorney)
- Lawrence M Cutler
- Mayar M Daiza
- Alan D Davidon
- Paula G Davidon
- Jay L Davis
- Larry J Davis Jr.
- Ronald M Debrigida Jr. (Staff Attorney)
- William B Demars Jr.
- Philip J Dion Jr.
- Scott F Doering
- Charles Donofrio III
- Carl W Eckhardt Jr.
- Terry E Eckhardt (Staff Attorney)
- Randy L Ellexson
- David J Flader
- Elizabeth S Frick
- Joseph M Fuller
- J Gifford Funkhouser
- Blaine D Gadow (Staff Attorney)
- Patrick G Gann
- Yancey A Garner
- Pamela G Georgelos
- Jeffrey D Ghelfi (Staff Attorney)
- Louis T. Giaquinto (Attorney)
- Michael G Gingold
- Thomas E Glow
- Gina M Godhehere
- Maria Gonzalez-Brewster
- Louis B Gorman
- Robert J Gorman (Staff Attorney)
- Gerald R Grant (Deputy County Attorney)
- J Terrance Green P.C. (Staff Attorney)
- Dyanne C Greer
- Kathryn A Grimes
- Robert K Gundacker
- Diane E W Gunnels
- Susan L Hable
- Glen Hammond
- Barbara A Hamner
- Ronald S Harris
- Q Dale Hatch
- Arthur Hazelton
- Joe Heilman
- Susan M Hennesy (Deputy County Attorney)
- Jimmie D Hicks
- Patricia L Hicks
- Patricia L Howe
- Judy C Huddleston
- Jane M Hudson
- John A Hudson
- Lyle R Huffman
- Joan M Huls
- Michele M Iafrate
- Vince Howard Imbordino
- Mark A Inciong
- Craig L Jennings (Staff Attorney)
- Terry H Jennings
- Alan W Johnson
- Frank Johnson
- Frankie Y Jones
- Burt Jorgensen
- Jason Kalish
- Lyn D Kane (Deputy County Attorney)
- Christopher C Keller
- Karen Kemper
- Norman C Keyt
- William S Knopf
- Lynn Krabbe
- Andrew J Kramer
- Stephen R Kramer
- Vicki L Kratovil (Deputy County Attorney)
- Janet Krisinski
- Alan C Kuffner (Staff Attorney)
- Jerry G Landau (Chief, Controlled Substances Division)
- Michael R Law
- Cynthia L Lawritson
- Kristian Lehman
- Rachelle Z Leibsohn (Deputy County Attorney)
- E Catherine Leisch
- Rhonda A Levine
- Noel J R Levy
- Jos Gary Linn (Staff Attorney)
- Gary Tobias Lowenthal
- Susan L Luder (Staff Attorney)
- Anders L Lundin
- E Cleve Lynch (Deputy County Attorney)
- Steven P Lynch
- Keith D Manning (Staff Attorney)
- Kevin Maricle (Deputy County Attorney)
- Juan M Martinez
- Kathy L Matz (Staff Attorney)
- Robbie Mayer
- Thomas E McCauley Jr.
- Glenn B McCormick
- Daniel F McIlroy
- Gunn B McKay
- Maryann McKessy
- Arthur K Merchant
- Richard I Mesh (Bureau Chief)
- Barbara K Miller
- Kurt N Mills
- James R Minter
- Rachelle Mitchell
- William Molner
- Andrea M Moody (Staff Attorney)
- William A Moore
- Christine E Morden
- Larry N Morehouse
- Eddie L Morgan
- Michael R Morrison (Deputy County Attorney)
- George B Mount (Division Chief)
- Carolyn M Murphy
- Anya C Musto
- Cindi S Nannetti
- Marc F Natelsky
- Shawn H Nau
- Kelly S Neal III
- Lisa Nelson
- Julie P Newell (Staff Attorney)
- Steffany Nicoluzakis
- Richard L Nothwehr
- Anthony M Novitsky (Deputy County Attorney)
- Judith C Ruhl O'Neill
- Henry H Ong (Deputy County Attorney)
- Elizabeth B Ortiz
- Marc F Pappalardo
- David Park
- William O Parks III (Narcotics Bureau Chief)
- Stephanie Patchett
- John W Paulsen
- William E Perry III (Staff Attorney)
- Robin E Petrowski
- Jeffrey W Pitts
- Lori L Horn Proudfit
- Robin I Puchek
- Taj Rahi
- Mitchell Rand (Deputy County Attorney)
- Amy K Rehm
- Jean Weaver Rice (Staff Attorney)
- James A Rizer
- Lisa M Roberts
- Carolyn J Robinson
- Rosanne L Romano (Staff Attorney)
- Richard M Romley (County Attorney)
- David M Ronald
- Rosemary H Rosales
- Manuel Desi Rubalcaba (Attorney)
- Leonardo L Ruiz (Deputy County Attorney)
- James J Sampanes
- Jeffrey W Sandler
- Lisa Sandquist
- C J Peterson Sargeant
- Jacqueline N Schesnol (Staff Attorney)
- Daniel Schlittner (Deputy County Attorney)
- Susan Sherwin (Deputy County Attorney)
- Doc Shreve
- Sandor O Shuch (Deputy County Attorney)
- Robert J Shutts
- Andrea M Siegel
- Susan M Skibba
- Connie L Smyer
- Elizabeth A Sobalvarro
- Jana L Sorensen
- Jeanine M Sorrentino
- Louis F Stalzer (Deputy County Attorney)
- George Wayne Stewart
- Stasche L Stooks-Ewing (Staff Attorney)
- Kim N Stuart (Deputy County Attorney)
- Howard D Sukenic (Deputy County Attorney)
- Daniel J Terrell
- Vincent H Tolino (Deputy City Attorney)
- Rebecca M Truty
- Steven C Tucker (Deputy County Attorney)
- Lawrence Turoff (Deputy County Attorney)
- Keith E Vercauteren (County Attorney)
- Kenneth N Vick
- Randy H Wakefield (Deputy County Attorney)
- Juli Warzynski
- Sally W Wells
- Jon D Wendell (Deputy County Attorney)
- Patricia Wildermuth
- Diana Wilkes
- Anne Michael Williams
- Joel V Williams
- Rene L Williams
- Steven C Windtberg
- Cindy J Winters
- David E Wolak (Staff Attorney)
- Dean M Wolcott (Deputy County Attorney)
- David E. Wood (Attorney)
- R Jeffrey Woodburn (Staff Attorney)
- Kirsten J Wright (Staff Attorney)
- Hugo F Zettler
Office Information
County Administration Building301 West Jefferson Phoenix, AZ 85003
Other Offices
Maricopa County, County Attorney 1201 S Alma School Rd Mesa, AZ 85210 - 2008 (602) 506-2888
Maricopa County, County Attorney 222 E Javelina Ste 2400 Mesa, AZ 85210 - 6237 (602) 506-2600
Maricopa County County Attorney Suite 406 1990 W Camelback Rd Phoenix, AZ 85015 - 3465 (602) 264-2432
Maricopa County County Attorney 3325 W Durango St Phoenix, AZ 85009 - 6214 (602) 506-4220
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How do I choose a lawyer?
Consider the following:
- Comfort Level
- - Are you comfortable telling the lawyer personal information? Does the lawyer seem interested in solving your problem?
- Credentials
- - How long has the lawyer been in practice? Has the lawyer worked on other cases similar to yours?
- Cost
- - How are the lawyer's fees structured - hourly or flat fee? Can the lawyer estimate the cost of your case?
- City
- - Is the lawyer's office conveniently located?
Not sure what questions to ask a lawyer?
Here are a few to get you started:
- How long have you been in practice?
- How many cases like mine have you handled?
- How often do you settle cases out of court?
- What are your fees and costs?
- What are the next steps?
Want to check lawyer discipline?
It is always a good idea to research your lawyer prior to hiring. Every state has a disciplinary organization that monitors attorneys, their licenses, and consumer complaints. By researching lawyer discipline you can:
- Ensure the attorney is currently licensed to practice in your state
- Gain an understanding of his or her historical disciplinary record, if any.
- Determine the seriousness of complaints/issues which could range from late bar fees to more serious issues requiring disciplinary action.