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John C. Lacy - Tucson, AZ

2525 East Broadway BlvdSuite 200 Tucson, AZ 85716 - 5300

Super Lawyers®


Updated: 02/04/2025

Tucson Mining Lawyer


JOHN C. LACY is a Shareholder in the Tucson office. His practice emphasizes mining and public land law and includes cases involving acquisition of land from federal and state land management agencies, title matters and associated water rights. Mr. Lacy also devotes a substantial portion of his time in representation of a telecommunications client. Mr. Lacy has represented clients before administrative boards within the Arizona State Land Department, the United States Department of the Interior and all levels of state and federal courts. A substantial portion of Mr. Lacy's practice is devoted to international mineral transactions and he assisted in the revisions to the mining law of the Republic of Bolivia and the English translation of the mining laws and regulations of Mexico. He also currently serves as an Adjunct Professor in both the College of Law and the College of Mines, Department of Mining and Geological Engineering, University of Arizona where he teaches mining and public land law and oil and gas law. He is the author of numerous publications concerning mineral rights and mineral law history. These publications include a portion of the American Law of Mining, 2d, published by the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation dealing with the management of school trust lands. Mr. Lacy is a past President of the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation. He graduated from the University of Arizona College of Law in 1967 and was admitted to the Arizona Bar that same year. A veteran of the Vietnam conflict with the rank of Captain, USAR, JAGC, he is also admitted to practice before the United States Court of Military Appeals.

About John C. Lacy

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Shareholder

Year Joined Firm

  • 1977

Practice Areas

  • Mining
  • Public Land Law


  • 5%

Representative Clients

  • A.F. Budge (Mining)
  • Conoco Inc.
  • Flowing Wells Irrigation District
  • Park Corporation


Bar Admissions

  • Arizona, 1967
  • U.S. Federal Courts, 1972
  • U.S. Supreme Court, 1980

Other Affiliations

  • Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, - (Director)
  • Pima County Bar Association, - Present (Member)
  • American Bar Association, - (Member)
  • State Bar of Arizona, - Present (Member)

Past Positions

  • University of Arizona, Adjunct Professor


  • University of Arizona College of Law, Tucson, Arizona, 1967
  • University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 1964

Fraternities and Sororities

  • Phi Alpha Delta


Accepts Credit Cards


Published Works

  • Present Marketability; A Proper Test of Mineral Value Under the Mining Law 9 Arizona Law Review 70, 1967
  • Chapters 1 and 2, Title XII, State Mineral Interests (Co-Author with Victor H. Verity) American Law of Mining Matthew Bender, 1972 Revision
  • Conflicting Surface Rights: Shotgun Diplomacy Revisited 22 Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute 731, 1976
  • Laws and Regulations Governing Mineral Rights in Arizona Arizona Department of Mineral Resources Supplements, April 1977, July 1978, and March 1981
  • Arizona Land Status and Ownership Determination Arizona Department of Mineral Resources, May, 1977
  • Manual for Determination of Status and Ownership; Arizona Mineral and Water Rights Second Edition, Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources, September, 1986
  • Selecting the Appropriate Contractual Vehicle to Acquire Mineral Exploration Rights Mining Agreements II Institutes, Paper 2 Rocky Mountain Mountain Mineral Legal Foundation, 1981
  • State Mineral Interests American Law of Mining 2d Matthew Bender, 1984
  • Alternate Ways of Paying the Piper; Dilution and Nonconsent Mechanisms in Mining Venture Agreements 31 Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute, Chapter 7, 1985
  • The Least Welcome Profession; Lawyers in the Mining Camps Dips, Angles and Spurs, pp. 2-6 March 1, 1982 ed.
  • The Mining District Regulations Dips, Angles and Spurs, pp. 16-21 March 1, 1983 ed.
  • A Brief History of the Comstock Lode, its Laws and Mineral Production Dips, Angles and Spurs, pp. 3-9 April 1, 1984 ed.
  • Publications on Mining Law by Richard S. Morrison (Co-Author with Victor H. Verity) Dips, Angles and Spurs, pp. 5-15 October 1, 1984 ed.
  • Publications on Mining Law by A. H. Ricketts Dips, Angles and Spurs, pp. 13-19 September 1, 1985 ed.
  • The Mining Laws in the New World in 1492 Dips, Angles and Spurs, pp. 15-16 November 1, 1985 ed.
  • Spanish Legal Codes Related to Mining in the New World Dips, Angles and Spurs, pp. 3-19 October 1, 1986 ed.
  • Early History of Arizona Territory; Acquisition of Mineral Rights 1539-1866 History of Mining in Arizona J.M. Greeley and M.N. Canty, ed. MCSW Foundation, 1988
  • The Mining Ordinances of New Spain; A Study of Colonial Administration of the Mining Industry 10 Bull. Peak Dist. Mines Hist. Soc. 236, December, 1988
  • Historical Overview of the Mining Law; The Miners' Law Becomes Law Chapter 1 in Monograph on the Mining Law National Legal Center for the Public Interest, June, 1989
  • History of Mining Along the Pacific Rim (Co-Author with Willard C. Lacy) Pacific Rim 90 Congress, 1990
  • Mining Royalties Revisited; Does the Burden Tarnish the Crown? Mining Agreements III Inst, Paper No. 7 Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, 1991
  • Pursuing Segments of the Glass Snake; the Battle for the Big Jim Chapter 10 in History of Mining in Arizona, Vol. 2 J.M. Canty, M.N. Greeley ed. Mining Club of the Southwest Foundation, Tucson, Arizona, 1991
  • History of Mining Chapter 1 in Mining Engineering Handbook H.L. Hartman, ed. Soc. Min. Eng. 2nd edition, 1992, in press

Office Information


2525 East Broadway BlvdSuite 200 Tucson, AZ 85716 - 5300


  • (520) 322-5585

Office Hours

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Other Sources of Feedback About John C. Lacy

Included on the 2013 Southwest Super Lawyers list

Past Lists

  • 2012 Southwest Super Lawyers Super Lawyers list

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  • University of Arizona Alumni Distinguished Citizen

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