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Jack W. Dickerson - Hot Springs, AR

110 Woodbine Street Hot Springs, AR 71901 - 5123

Updated: 09/22/2011

Hot Springs Bankruptcy Lawyer


Jack W. Dickerson founded Dickerson Law Firm, P.A. in January 1991 in a small office in Hot Springs, Arkansas, offering legal services to area citizens in need of debt relief. Since that time, Dickerson Law Firm has grown to be recognized as the leading debt relief law firm in Arkansas by filing more Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 consumer bankruptcy cases than any other law firm in the state. Dickerson Law Firm has helped thousands of Arkansans get a fresh start from debt bondage.

While Dickerson has retired from active practice, his commitment to uphold the highest moral and ethical standards in the practice of law and to provide clients with compassionate and excellent service has been embraced by the firm's attorneys, paralegals, and support staff. We genuinely care about our clients and understand that seeking debt relief advice may very well be the most difficult thing these individuals have ever done. We know our clients are good, honest, hardworking folks who are going through difficult times and our goal is to treat each one with courtesy, dignity and respect.

With offices in El Dorado, Hot Springs and Pine Bluff, Dickerson Law Firm is strategically located to serve Arkansans from twenty-seven counties: Arkansas, Ashley, Bradley, Calhoun, Chicot, Clark, Cleveland, Columbia, Dallas, Desha, Drew, Garland, Grant, Hempstead, Hot Springs, Howard, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lincoln, Little River, Miller, Montgomery, Nevada, Ouachita, Pike, Sevier and Union. Dickerson Law Firm can refer individuals in counties not listed to qualified bankruptcy attorneys in their areas.

James C. Hunt , Managing Attorney for Dickerson Law Firm, P.A. continues the tradition begun by Jack W. Dickerson in 1991 in assisting the hard working men and women of Arkansas to obtain the maximum benefits and protection provided for under the Bankruptcy Code. Two additional attorneys, four paralegals, four administrative staff members and a 16-member team of legal support staff work diligently with Mr. Hunt to ensure that Mr. Dickerson's commitment to the people of Arkansas continues.

About Jack W. Dickerson

Practice Areas

  • Bankruptcy

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Founder/Emeritus


Bar Admissions

  • Arkansas, 1980


  • University of Arkansas at Little Rock School of Law, Little Rock, Arkansas


Office Information


110 Woodbine Street Hot Springs, AR 71901 - 5123

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110 Woodbine Street Hot Springs, AR 71901 - 5123

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