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Rodriguez Lagorio, LLP - Fremont, CA

43430 Mission BlvdSuite 210 Fremont, CA 94539

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Super Lawyers®


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Updated: 11/11/2024

Fremont Family Law Firm


Since 2011, Rodriguez Lagorio, LLP has been serving residents of Alameda County and Contra Costa County, California, in the Bay Area with high-quality legal services focused on efficient and effective results. Attorneys Angelo Lagorio and Monica Rodriguez understand that successful legal outcomes begin by forming a trusting relationship between client and lawyer.

To serve clients more effectively, Rodriguez Lagorio, LLP does not try to be all things to all people. The firm focuses specifically in the areas of law that individuals and families need most, including:

California family law: Including uncontested divorce settlements and contested divorce litigation, complex property division for high-asset divorce, child custody, parenting plans and child support issues. The firm also offers family law services such as prenuptial agreements and post-judgment modifications.

Estate planning: Including setting up and administering irrevocable and revocable trusts, last will and testament, powers of attorney, advance health care directives, conservatorships/guardianships, and probate services.

It is imperative that you are confident in the abilities of your attorney. Angelo Lagorio and Monica Rodriguez are dedicated to taking the time to understand the details of your case and your objectives for a satisfactory outcome. Call the law firm's main office in Fremont at 925-750-8757 today.

About Rodriguez Lagorio, LLP

Practice Areas

  • Family Law
  • Divorce
  • Custody Cases
  • Estate Planning
  • Probate
  • Trusts
  • Wills

Previous Law Firm Name

  • Law Offices of Angelo J. Lagorio, January 1, 2022

Classes and Seminars

  • John F. Kennedy University College of Law - Elder Law Clinic (Fall 2019)

Office Information


43430 Mission BlvdSuite 210 Fremont, CA 94539


  • 510-358-8583

Accepts Credit Cards






Lawyers at Rodriguez Lagorio, LLP selected for a Super Lawyers® list

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Firm Address

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43430 Mission BlvdSuite 210 Fremont, CA 94539

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