Enter legal issue and location
- Thomas G Adams
- Charles Aguado
- Victor Alexandroff
- Anthony S Alperin
- Juliann Anderson (Attorney)
- Michele B Anderson
- Catrina M. Archuleta (Deputy City Attorney-General Counsel Division)
- Kristine R Aronsohn
- Maynard Asper
- Heather Aubry
- James Axtell
- Jerry Baik
- Elizabeth Barrera-Reny
- Denise M Beaudry
- Holly S Beckner
- Raymond P Bender
- Lisa Shari Berger
- Marsha C Berkowitz
- Dorothy Jean Berry
- Patricia Bilgin
- Lara J Bloomquist
- Neil D Blumenkopf
- Richard M Bobb
- Byron Boeckman
- Janet G Bogigian
- Annette Roberts Bogna (Attorney)
- Thomas C Bonaventura
- Melody Bormaster
- Alana L Bowman
- Deborah Breithaupt
- Cory M Brente
- Arletta Brimsey
- Bernie E Brown
- Billie J Brown
- Jack L Brown
- Mark L Brown
- Jeri L Burge
- Henry A Burr III
- Amy Burton
- Mark F Burton
- Kristen Byrdsong
- Sharon Siedorf Cardenas
- Elena Cardona
- James Marshall Carson
- Robert Cha
- Emily Chais
- Rosemary E Chavez
- Althea Chavis
- Colin K W Chiu
- Fay A Chu
- Kenneth H Cirlin
- Edith Lee Anne Clark
- Patricia A Clemens
- Donald E Cocek
- Felise Cohen-Kalpakian
- Quentin P Cole
- Mary Burwell Cooper
- R Bruce Coplen
- Peter B Covette
- Robert Cramer
- Harvey M Crespy
- William C Cullen
- Claudia R Culling
- Marjorie Currier
- Gloria J Dabbs-Mann
- Miguel A Dager
- Alan G Dahle
- Betty B Davidson
- Keith J Delarosa
- Mary K Dennis
- Gabriel Seth Dermer (Deputy City Attorney)
- Charles E Dickerson III
- Jeanne M Diconti
- Valentin F Dinu
- Edward Doheny
- David E Dolan
- Pamela L Douglas
- Julie P Downey
- Michael F Duran
- Ruth Ebner
- Pedro B Echeverria
- Teddy J Eden
- Donna M Edmiston
- Jose Egurbide
- Ellen M Fawls
- Robert A Ferber
- Rodell R Fick (Associate)
- Amy Field
- Edmund E Fimbres
- Howard Fox
- Michael K Fox
- Mitchell J Fox
- Nicholas J Fratianne
- Robert D Fratianne
- Susan Frauens
- Aaron R Friedman
- Ellen T Friedmann
- Howard M Fuchs
- Jeffery Gallagher
- Jo M Galvin
- George Garikian
- Jose Armin Garza
- Edward P Gauthier
- Doyle R Gentzler
- Elizabeth Gertz
- Gary G Geuss
- Dorithea W Gibson
- Kevin A Gilligan
- Howard B Gluck
- Charles I Goldenberg
- Debra L Gonzales
- M Gonzales-Kimbrough
- Jess J Gonzalez
- Asha Saund Greenberg
- Elizabeth Greenwood
- Martha A Gutierrez
- Thomas A Gutierrez
- Blanca Z Hadar
- Eugene Hall Jr.
- Katherine J Hamilton
- Alice Hand
- Jolaine Harkless
- Lara Drino Harris
- Dianne Harris-Lewis
- Rubin Harsoyo
- Carmen D Hawkins
- Jessica F Heinz
- Phyllis Henderson
- Claudia Mcgee Henry
- John F Hernandez
- Tina L Hess
- Theodore D Heyck
- Patrick D Hiscocks
- Jonni L Hoffman
- Curt Holguin
- Candice I Horikawa
- Frank M Horowitz
- Zna Houston
- Patricia A Hunter
- Audrey C Israel
- Janet C Jackson
- Dan F Jeffries
- Kjehl T Johansen
- Garcelle M Jones-Embry
- Deborah Kais
- Victor R Kalustian
- Ken G Kambara
- James R Kapel
- Donald J Kass
- Annette Keller
- Lori L Kemp
- Marsha F Kimble
- Peter N King
- Lisa E Kissel
- Daniel A Kleban
- Michael L Klekner
- Kurt Knecht
- David J Knokey
- William W Koepcke III
- Hon. Richard G. Kolostian Jr. (Attorney)
- Edith Kornfeld
- Richard E Kraft
- Joanna Lambert
- Mark A Lambert
- Lenore Lashley
- Annette Y Lee
- Grace K Lee
- Susan Lefebvre
- Dov S Lesel
- Judith Ball Levin
- Debbie Lew
- Honey A Lewis
- Johnna Lewis
- Edith K Light
- Laurel L Lightner
- Michelle D Lim
- Ronald Low
- George C Lowry
- Katherine H MacKenzie
- June K Magilnick
- Lynn A Magnandonovan
- David L Manella
- Maria J Manning
- Terry J Martin-Brown
- Jacquelyn R Mason
- Peter W Mason
- James A McDougal
- Thomas McLurkin Jr.
- Marie-Therese McTeague
- Frederick N Merkin
- Brian E Michaels
- Anthony M Miera
- Carole Johnson Miller
- Patrick F S Milne
- Dennis G Minishian
- Mary C Molidor
- Bruce Monroe
- Susan Montgomery
- Laurence W Mooney
- Lawrence Mooney
- Henry G Morris
- Kurt I Muller
- Jay C Munns
- Allan A Nadir
- Michael D. Nagle APLC
- Jonathon P Nave
- William E Nees
- James P Nollan
- Christy K T Numano
- Dion J O'Connell
- Gregory P Orland
- Robert A Orlich
- Jorge Miguel Otano-Guilbe (Deputy City Attorney)
- Ellen R Pais
- Panagiotis P Panagiotou
- Patrick G Parham
- Salome Jenny Park (Attorney)
- Anita Parys
- Christine C Patterson
- Susan D Pfann
- Leslie Pinchuk
- Jessalyn R Pinder
- Wilma J Pinder
- Robert L Pingel
- Joseph Piro
- Michael P Pizzuti
- Geoffrey Roger Plowden (Attorney)
- Paul O Poindexter
- Cindy Polak
- Tayo A Popoola
- Francine Pradia
- Keith W Pritsker
- Robert J Pulone
- Lawrence P V Punter
- Deborah R Ramirez
- Edward M Ramirez
- Janet Ramos
- Mary K Reber
- Judith E Reel
- Janet Bloom Reyes
- Elijah Richardson
- Francine A Ricks
- Laurie L Rittenberg
- Catherine A Rodriguez
- Molly B Roff-Sheridan
- Terry R Rosales
- Eric Rosenblatt
- Gary Thomas Rowse
- Elise A Ruden
- Rosalind Russell
- G E Ryder-Poindexter
- Del C Sanjuan
- Julie Sanjuan
- Ellen Sarmiento
- Dikran Sassounian
- Vincent B Sato
- Janette Schatteles
- David S Scheiman
- George A Schell
- Edward A Schlotman
- Richard A Schmidt
- Susan D Schmitter
- David I Schulman
- Victor A Schulte
- Herbert R Seiden
- David T Shepherd
- Patrick Ko Shibuya
- Philip Shiner
- Peter H Shutan
- Debra M Siedorf
- Maureen R Siegel
- Terri I Siegel
- Annette M Sierra
- Sharyn L Siskel
- Hazel C Smalley
- Blithe Ann Smith
- Gretchen Pansing Smith
- Shelley Ilene Smith
- Theodore J Smith III
- Pamela E Snowden
- Victor R Sofelkanik
- Yong W Sohn
- Eskel H Solomon
- Amy Sopuch
- Richard G Sorenson
- Matthew C St George Jr.
- Renee A Stadel
- William A Stephenson
- Diane Stepheson
- Sandra J Streeter
- Allan B Streller
- Paula A Stringer
- Philip J Sugar
- Gerald F Swan
- Vivienne A Swanigan
- Gayle Takahashi-Hara
- Craig M Takenaka
- Thomas J Theis
- Earl E Thomas
- Sandra M Thomas
- Judith D Thompson
- Stephen L Totten
- Ralph Tracy
- Kenneth D Tso
- Kerrin I Tso
- Ronald A Tuller
- Winston F Tyler
- Sara Ugaz (Attorney)
- Robert M Unruh
- Catharine H Vale
- Laura Vaneyk
- Rita V Venegas
- Noreen S Vincent
- Martin Vranicar Jr.
- Arthur B Walsh
- Cheryl J Ward
- William L Waterhouse
- Lawrence F Webster
- Gail C Weingart
- Deborah Weinrauch
- Donna Weisz-Jones
- Diane N Wentworth
- Angela K West
- Brooke E White
- Michael R Wilkinson
- Damien E Williams
- Raymond H Williams
- Oscar R. Winslow (Attorney)
- Richard Wong
- G Daniel Woodard
- Claudia J Wrazel
- Andrea Yee
- Susan Zimber
Office Information
200 North Main Street8th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90012
- (213) 978-8312
Other Offices
City of Los Angeles City Attorney Office 1945 S Hill St Los Angeles, CA 90007 - 1413 (213) 485-2828
City of Los Angeles City Attorney Suite 203 1645 Corinth Ave Los Angeles, CA 90025 - 3150 (310) 575-8412
City of Los Angeles City Attorney Pensions Section 360 E 2nd St # 600 Los Angeles, CA 90012 - 4207 (310) 485-4917
City of Los Angeles City Attorney 5925 Hollywood Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90028 - 5409 (213) 485-7955
City of San Fernando City Attorney 900 3rd Street San Fernando, CA 91340 - 2935 (818) 989-8752
City of Sherman Oaks City Attorney 3rd Floor 14724 Ventura Blvd Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 - 3501 (818) 908-4070
City of Van Nuys City Attorney 14410 Sylvan St Rm 106 Van Nuys, CA 91401 - 2615
City of Los Angeles City Attorney 6262 Van Nuys Blvd. Van Nuys, CA 91401
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How do I choose a lawyer?
Consider the following:
- Comfort Level
- - Are you comfortable telling the lawyer personal information? Does the lawyer seem interested in solving your problem?
- Credentials
- - How long has the lawyer been in practice? Has the lawyer worked on other cases similar to yours?
- Cost
- - How are the lawyer's fees structured - hourly or flat fee? Can the lawyer estimate the cost of your case?
- City
- - Is the lawyer's office conveniently located?
Not sure what questions to ask a lawyer?
Here are a few to get you started:
- How long have you been in practice?
- How many cases like mine have you handled?
- How often do you settle cases out of court?
- What are your fees and costs?
- What are the next steps?
Want to check lawyer discipline?
It is always a good idea to research your lawyer prior to hiring. Every state has a disciplinary organization that monitors attorneys, their licenses, and consumer complaints. By researching lawyer discipline you can:
- Ensure the attorney is currently licensed to practice in your state
- Gain an understanding of his or her historical disciplinary record, if any.
- Determine the seriousness of complaints/issues which could range from late bar fees to more serious issues requiring disciplinary action.