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Khaldoun A. Baghdadi - San Francisco, CA

650 California St.Fl. 26 San Francisco, CA 94108 - 2607

Super Lawyers®


Updated: 11/11/2024

San Francisco Personal Injury Lawyer


Khaldoun Baghdadi has been with the firm for 20 years. In 2016, he was part of the trial team in the Pinnacle hip implant litigation trial which resulted in a total verdict in excess of $1 billion dollars.

He has dedicated his career to being a trial lawyer, helping people who need and deserve an advocate. He has served as lead trial counsel in cases throughout the State of California, on matters ranging from wrongful death, defective products, insurance disputes, medical negligence and public transit injuries. Khaldoun has also prosecuted medical device defect and class action claims in courtrooms around the country.

Since 2009, Khaldoun has been named a Northern California Super Lawyer®. In addition, Khaldoun is AV - Pre-Eminent rated by Martindale Hubbell, signifying the highest peer review mark for ethics and standards of practice. His AVVO professional rating is 10.0 - Superb, reflecting the highest rank available.

Khaldoun served an adjunct instructor teaching trial advocacy at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law. He also served as an adjunct professor at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. He has also served as an instructor on trial technique, deposition practice and lawyering skills for the National Institute of Trial Advocacy.

Active in the courtroom and the community, Khaldoun served the City of San Francisco by way of Mayoral appointment to the San Francisco Human Rights Commission. In 2006, he was elected chair of that body.

Khaldoun graduated cum laude from the University of California, Irvine, and obtained his law degree from UC Hastings College of the Law.

He lives in San Francisco with his wife and two children.

Noteworthy Verdicts and Settlements
• $1 billion dollar jury verdict for defective hip implant
• $ 9 million dollar medical negligence settlement
• $8.3 million dollar jury verdict for defective hip implant
• $7.8 million dollar personal injury settlement for defective medical device
• $7.3 million wrongful death jury verdict in an automobile collision
• $6.25 million wrongful death settlement in a vehicle/trailer rollover
• $4.5 million dollar personal injury settlement in an automobile collision
• $2.9 million wrongful death settlement for roof crush vehicle defect
• $2.6 million settlement for defective medical device
• $2.4 million medical negligence settlement

About Khaldoun A. Baghdadi

Practice Areas

  • Personal Injury

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Attorney


Other Affiliations

  • San Francisco Human Rights Commission (Member and Chair)
  • Arab American Attorneys Association (Co-chair, Bay Area Chapter)
  • Consumer Attorneys of California (Member)
  • San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association (Member)
  • American Association for Justice (Member)


  • University of California College of the Law, San Francisco (formerly UC Hastings), San Francisco, California
    Honors: 1996 Pacific Regional Championship Moot Court Team
    Law Review: Hastings International and Comparative Law Review, Managing Editor
  • University of California, Irvine, California, 1994
    Honors: cum laude
    Honors: With Honors

Classes and Seminars

  • Adjunct Professor of Moot Court, University of California, Hastings Campus
  • Adjunct Professor, University of California, Boalt Hall School of Law


Other Sources of Feedback About Khaldoun A. Baghdadi

Included on the 2025 Northern California Super Lawyers list

Past Lists

  • 2024 Northern California Super Lawyers list
  • 2023 Northern California Super Lawyers list
  • 2022 Northern California Super Lawyers list
  • 2021 Northern California Super Lawyers list
  • 2020 Northern California Super Lawyers list
  • 2019 Northern California Super Lawyers list
  • 2018 Northern California Super Lawyers list
  • 2017 Northern California Super Lawyers list
  • 2016 Northern California Super Lawyers list
  • 2015 Northern California Super Lawyers list
  • 2014 Northern California Super Lawyers list
  • 2013 Northern California Super Lawyers list
  • 2012 Northern California Super Lawyers list
  • 2011 Northern California Super Lawyers list
  • 2010 Northern California Super Lawyers list
  • 2009 Northern California Super Lawyers list

View the profile for Khaldoun A. Baghdadi on Super Lawyers


  • Northern California Super Lawyer®, 2009
  • AV - Pre-Eminent rated by Martindale Hubbell
  • AVVO Professional Rating is 10.0 - Superb




Office Information


650 California St.Fl. 26 San Francisco, CA 94108 - 2607


  • 415-391-6965

Accepts Credit Cards





  • Apples and Oranges, the Supremacy Clause and the Determination of Self-Executing Treaties

Representative Cases

  • Detoy v. City and County of San Francisco
  • Ard v. Bi-Bett Corporation
  • Bennett v. City of Visalia
  • Gu v. BMW

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650 California St.Fl. 26 San Francisco, CA 94108 - 2607

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