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Deborah A. Wainey - Fort Lauderdale, FL
500 E Broward BlvdSuite 1710 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394
Avard Law Offices, P.A.
Updated: 07/01/2022
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Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury Lawyer
About Deborah A. Wainey
Practice Areas
- Personal Injury
- Veteran's Disability
- Social Security Disability
- Estate Planning
Current Employment Position(s)
- Attorney
- English
Bar Admissions
- Ohio, 1991
- Florida, 2008
- U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida, 2009
Specialties and Certifications
- Accredited Attorney, Veterans Administration, 2008
Other Affiliations
- National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (Member)
- Academy of Florida Elder Law Attorneys (Member)
- The Florida Bar (Member)
- Lee County (FL) Bar Association (Member)
- Ohio State Bar Association (Member)
- Southwest Florida Bankruptcy Professionals
- Cleveland State University, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Cleveland, Ohio, December, 1990
Honors: summa cum laude
Law Review: Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Review, Editor, 1988 - 1990 - Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, Ohio, June, 1987
Honors: cum laude
Major: Business Administration
Minor: History
Past Positions
- Avard Law Offices, Associate, 2007 - 2009
- The Law Firm of Deborah A. Wainey, Inc., Owner/Attorney, 2001 - 2007
- Stege & Associates Co., L.P.A., Elder Law Attorney, 1991 - 2000
Classes and Seminars
- Adjunct Professor, Paralegal Studies, Myers University - Cleveland, OH, 2003 - 2004
- Basic lssues in Elder Law, Cuyahoga County Bar Association, November 17, 1992
- Planning for Your Future: Powers of Attorney, Living Wills, Guardianships and Basic Estate Planning, Maple Heights Regional Library Law Day, May 4, 1994
- Housing: Access to Nursing Homes, Retirement Communities and Subsidized Housing From a Consumer Perspective, Ohio State Bar Association Convention, May 19, 1994
- Medicaid Planning and Recent Changes in the Law, Lake County Estate Planning Council, December 13, 1994
- The Local Experience with Advance Health Care Directives, Cleveland Bar Association, March 21, 1995
- Planning for Your Future: Powers of Attorney, Medical Care Decision-making, Conservatorship/Guardianship, and Basic Estate Planning, CCBA Law Day for the Family, April 30, 1995
- Ohio Long-Term Care: Legal and Financial lssues - Informed Consent, Powers of Attorney, Medical Care Decision-Making, Guardianships, Health Education Network, lnc., June 7, 1995
- The Effect of Trusts on Medicaid Eligibility, Cleveland Society of Estate Analysts, June 20, 1995
- The Pros and Cons of Setting Up a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization to Raise Funds for Your Senior Program, Cuyahoga County Conference on Aging, October 25, 1995
- Living Wills, Wills and Estate Planning, Warrensville Heights Public Library, November 9, 1995
- Medicaid Payback Trusts, OATL Medical Negligence Seminar Cleveland, Ohio, November 17, 1995
- Basics of Probate Administration, OSBA/CCBA Bridge the Gap Seminar, December 2, 1995
- Health Care Planning and the Law: A Survival Kit for the 1990s, David N. Myers College 1995 Legal Seminar Series, December 16, 1995
- Elder Law, CCBA Law Day for the Family, May 14, 1996
- Beyond Estate Planning, Brecksville Community Center, May 14, 1996
- lssues in Elder Law: Medicaid Update, Ohio State Bar Association Convention, May 17, 1996
- Advance Directives, Margaret Wagner House - Family Meeting, May 26, 1996
- Basics of Probate Administration, Cleveland Association of Paralegals, Inc., March 31, 1996
- Medicaid Planning Techniques, Ohio Elder Law & Medicaid Planning Seminar, June 20, 1996
- Advance Directives, Margaret Wagner House - Residents Association, August 23, 1996
- Advance Directives, Benjamin Rose Institute Staff Training, September 19, 1996
- Planning for Long Term Care, OLA Holy Name Society, October 14, 1996
- Joint Bank Accounts, Cuyahoga County Bar Association Elder Law Seminar, October 28, 1996
- Overview: Basic Medicaid Concepts, lncluding Ohio-Specific Regulations, Ohio Elder Law, November 14, 1996 - November 15, 1996
- Medicaid Trusts and Other Advanced Planning Tools, Ohio Elder Law, November 14, 1996
- Alternatives to Trusts for Small and Mid-Size Estates, Estate Planning Techniques for Small and Mid-Size Estates, December 13, 1996
- Planning for Long-Term Care, Estate Planning Techniques for Small and Mid-Size Estates, December 13, 1996
- Overview of Basic Medicaid Concepts and Case Law, Ohio State Bar Association 117th Annual Convention, June 6, 1997
- Medicaid Update - Current lssues in Elder Law, August 13, 1997
- Planning for Long Term Care, Alzheimer's Association Support Group (Brecksville, Ohio), September 7, 1997
- Medicaid Law and Estate Planning, New Horizons in Elder Law and Medicaid Planning - Toledo, Ohio, September 11, 1997
- Medicaid Law and Estate Planning, New Horizons in Elder Law and Medicaid Planning - Cleveland, Ohio, September 12, 1997
- Basic Medicaid Concepts; Medicaid Trusts and Other Planning Tools - Fiduciary Topics for Trust Officers Part II, A KeyBank/National City Bank Event -Cleveland, Ohio, September 17, 1997
- Planning for Long Term Care, Alzheimer's Association Support Group (Brecksville, Ohio), October 2, 1997
- Medicaid Eligibility & Assets, Akron Bar Association Elder Law Benefits & Estate Planning Conference (Akron, Ohio), October 9, 1997
- Appealing a Medicaid Eligibility Decision, Akron Bar Association Elder Law Benefits & Estate Planning Conference (Akron, Ohio), October 9, 1997
- Planning for Long Term Care, Alzheimer's Association Support Group (Shaker Heights, Ohio), November 20, 1997
- Basics of Probate Administration, CCBA/OSBA Bridge The Gap Seminar (Cleveland, Ohio), December 13, 1997
- lssues Concerning Your Patients' Rights, North Coast Regional Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association (Cleveland, Ohio), January 8, 1998
- Basic Medicaid Concepts; Medicaid Trusts and Other Planning Tools, Cleveland Bar Association Estate Planning, Probate & Trust Law Section (Cleveland, Ohio), January 20, 1998
- Planning for Long Term Care, Alzheimer's Association Support Group (Cleveland, Ohio), February 28, 1998
- Planning for Long Term Care, BraeView Nursing Home (Euclid, Ohio), March 11, 1998
- Basic Medicaid Concepts; Medicaid Trusts and Other Planning Tools (Cleveland, Ohio), May 20, 1998
- Basic Medicaid Concepts; Medicaid Trusts and Other Planning Tools, Cleveland Society of Estate Analysts (Cleveland, Ohio), June 10, 1998
- New Horizons in Elder Law & Medicaid Planning '98: Medicaid Eligibility, Planning and Appeals, (Toledo & Cleveland, Ohio), August 27, 1998 - August 28, 1998
- Planning for Long Term Care, Alzheimer's Association Support Group (Brecksville, Ohio), September 10, 1998
- Planning for Long Term Care, Alzheimer's Association Support Group (Brecksville, Ohio), October 1, 1998
- Medicaid Eligibility, Planning & Appeals, Akron Bar Association (Akron, Ohio), November 12, 1998
- Medicaid Eligibility, Planning & Appeals, Ohio CLE Institute (Columbus, Ohio), December 2, 1998
- Elder Law, Financial Network of America (Cleveland, Ohio), December 4, 1998
- Medicaid Eligibility, Planning & Appeals, Ohio Society of CPAs (Westlake, Ohio), December 7, 1998
- Medicaid Eligibility, Planning & Appeals - (Toledo, Ohio), December 9, 1998
- Beyond Estate Planning - (Strongsville, Ohio), March 8, 1999
- Medicaid Eligibility and Planning Techniques, Cleveland Bar Association (Cleveland, Ohio), March 16, 1999
- Long Term Care Planning, Estate Planning Team, March 17, 1999
- Long Term Care Planning, Estate Planning Team, March 24, 1999
- Long Term Care Planning, Estate Planning Team, April 15, 1999
- Long Term Care Planning, Estate Planning Team, April 23, 1999
- Planning for Long Term Care, Alzheimer's Association (Strongsville, Ohio), April 8, 1999
- Building an Economically Health Elder Law Practice - (Middleburg Heights, Ohio), April 16, 1999
- State/Federal Update on Elder Law, OSBA Convention (Cleveland, Ohio), May 14, 1999
- Ohio Elder Law/Medicaid Planning 1999 - (Toledo, Ohio), October 8, 1999
- Basics of Medicaid Planning, Ohio Elder Law ((Cleveland, Ohio), February 17, 2000
- Medicaid Eligibility and Planning, UAW Legal Services Training Session (Cleveland, Ohio), April 5, 2000
- Planning for Long Term Care, Alzheimer's Association Support Group (Brecksville, Ohio), April 6, 2000
- Financial lssues in Planning Ahead, Shaker Senior Center (Shaker Heights, Ohio), April 18, 2000
- Elder Law Update, OSBA Annual Convention (Toledo, Ohio), May 19, 2000
- Moderator, Medicaid Planning, OSBA/CIE lnstitute Satellite Broadcast (Columbus, Ohio), July 13, 2000
- Medicaid & Medicaid Planning in Ohio, Medical Educational Services (Middleburg Hts., Ohio), August 24, 2000
- Ohio Medicaid and Elder Law Planning, PESI (Toledo, Ohio) Ohio, October 12, 2000
- Medicaid and Elder Law Planning, PESI (Cleveland, Ohio) Ohio, October 13, 2000
- Elder Law, OSBA/CLE (Columbus, Ohio), April 18, 2001
- Medicaid Eligibility and Planning, UAW Legal Services Training Session (Columbus, Ohio), April 18, 2001
- Ohio Elder Law, OSBA/CLE (Cleveland, Ohio) Beyond, April 27, 2001
- Estate Planning - (Shaker Heights, Ohio), February 11, 2002
- Basics of Medicaid Planning (Ohio Elder Law), OSBA/CLE (Cleveland, Ohio), March 15, 2002
- Medicaid Planning - Satellite Seminar, OSBA/CLE (Columbus, Ohio), July 18, 2002
- Medicaid Update and Appeals, Lorman Seminar (Cleveland, Ohio), September 19, 2002
- Planning for Your Future, Alzheimer's Association (Cleveland, Ohio), November 12, 2002
- Planning for your Future, St. Dominic's Church (Shaker Hts., Ohio), February 26, 2003
- Planning for your Future, Telephone Pioneers of America (Cleveland, Ohio), March 5, 2003
- Medicaid Eligibility, Guardianships, Powers of Attorney, Long Term Care Ombudsman Training (Cleveland, Ohio), March 18, 2003
- Basics of Medicaid Planning (Ohio Elder Law), OSBA/CLE (Cleveland, Ohio), March 28, 2003
- Planning for Your Future, ALS Association (Akron, Ohio), May 18, 2003
- Basics of Medicaid Planning, Stark County Bar Association (Canton, Ohio), June 5, 2003
- Planning for Your Future, ALS Association (Cleveland, Ohio), June 7, 2003
- Medicaid Eligibility, Planning and Appeals, NBI Seminar (Eastlake, Ohio), July 21, 2003
- Medicaid Update and Appeals, Lorman Seminar (Cleveland, Ohio), September 18, 2003
- Basics of Medicaid Planning, OSBA/CLE (Cleveland, Ohio), March 19, 2004
- Beyond Estate Planning, Low Vision Group (Shaker Heights, Ohio), April 26, 2004
- Elder Care in Ohio: Legal and Financial lssues, NBI Seminar (Cleveland, Ohio), November 17, 2004
- Medicare Benefits - Ohio Medicaid and Elder Law Planning 2004 - PESI Seminar, Columbus, Ohio, October 13, 2004
- Medicare Benefits - Ohio Medicaid and Elder Law Planning 2004 - PESI Seminar, Toledo, Ohio, November 4, 2004
- Medicare Benefits - Ohio Medicaid and Elder Law Planning 2004 - PESI Seminar, Cleveland, Ohio, November 5, 2004
- Medicaid Planning - Ohio Elder Law, OSBA/CLE Seminar (Cleveland, Ohio), March 18, 2005
- Elder Law Update, OSBA Annual Convention (Columbus, Ohio), May 13, 2005
- Planning for Incapacity (POAs, Advance Directives, DNR Orders, Anatomical Gifts) - PESI Seminars, (Cleveland, Toledo, Cincinnati, Columbus), 2005
- UAW Legal Staff Training - Medicare & Medicaid Basics; Veteran's Benefits, LTC lnsurance, Mansfield, Ohio, October 27, 2005
- Basics of Medicaid Planning, OSBA/CLE (Cleveland, Ohio), March 17, 2006
- Beyond Estate Planning - Orange Senior Center, Orange Senior Center, Pepper Pike, OH, December 1, 2006
- Elder Exploitation, Estero-Gulf Coast Kiwanis Club, May 14, 2009
- The Paralegal's Role in an Elder Law Practice - Gulf Coast Paralegals Association, Fort Myers, FL, 2010
- The Bill of Rights - Diplomat Middle School - A Project of Lee County Association, Cape Coral, FL, 2010
- I Want to be a Lawyer - Immokalee High School - Presentation to AVID Students, Immokalee, FL, 2012
- The Bill of Rights - Diplomat Middle School & Cypress Lake Middle School, A Project of Lee County Association, Cape Coral, FL, 2010
- Top Attorney in Elder Law field-Inside Business Magazine
- Top Attorney in Elder Law field-Ohio Super Lawyers Magazine
Office Information
500 E Broward BlvdSuite 1710 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394
- 239-945-3332
Accepts Credit Cards
- Preventing Family Feuds, Trial, April, 2009
- Editor, Elder Law Desk Reference, Ohio State Bar Association's Elder Law Committee, 1997
- The Role of a "Medicaid Payback Trust" in Personal Injury Awards Granted to Disabled Persons, Ohio Lawyer, March/April, 1994
- Nursing Homes: A Consumer Perspective, Ohio Lawyer, Sept./Oct., 1994
- Power of Attorney, Guardianship, Conservatorship - Elder Law Desk Reference, Ohio State Bar Association's Elder Law Committee, 1993
- Voluntary Active Euthanasia: The Ultimate Act of Care for the Dying, 37 Cleve. St. L. Rev. 645, 1989
- "Law You Can Use", Ohio State Bar Association
- "Lawyers Forum", The Daily Legal News (Cleveland, OH)
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