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Jesse Hoyer Estes - Tampa, FL

2801 W. Busch Blvd.Suite 200 Tampa, FL 33618 - 4500

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Updated: 10/16/2024

Tampa Education Fraud Lawyer


Jesse Hoyer is a founding member of Hoyer Law Group, PLLC. Jesse works in the firm's Tampa, Florida office where she oversees the False Claims Act qui tam division, with a focus on education fraud.

Jesse comes to Hoyer Law Group after nearly a decade at James Hoyer, P.A., where she also prosecuted numerous qui tam cases in the education fraud arena, earning herself a reputation as one of the leading authorities in for-profit college whistleblower cases.

She has successfully guided clients in their battles against these entities, including EDMC, one of the largest for-profit college systems in the country, Corinthian Colleges, which ultimately was forced to shutter its campuses, and Ed4Mil, a company that targeted active duty military and veterans to get their Tuition Assistance and G.I. Bill dollars.

In addition to for-profit college cases, she focuses her practice on healthcare fraud and defense contractor fraud cases.

Jesse is a member of the Ferguson-White Inn of Court, an organization dedicated to fostering ethics and integrity in the legal profession. At the University of Florida, Jesse received her undergraduate degrees in Criminology (B.A., 2006) and Psychology (B.S., 2006), and her law degree with honors (J.D., 2009). In law school, Jesse focused her attention on the practice of international law and spent one summer abroad studying international business law and white-collar crime in Paris and Montpellier, France. She was actively involved in the Criminal Law Society and the International Law Society. She interned in the felony division at the Public Defender's Office, Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in Tampa and conducted legal research for the Law Offices of Gilbert A. Schaffnit in Gainesville, Florida.

While at U.F., Jesse was an active, competitive horseback rider and traveler. Now that she's back in Tampa, Jesse still enjoys being as active as possible. In 2010, she picked up distance running as a hobby. To date, she has completed more than forty half marathons and six full marathons. She's also tried her hand at several sprint triathlons around the Tampa area. When she can squeeze some free time in between training runs, Jesse loves to watch football-especially her Gators, and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Jesse is licensed to practice in Florida state courts and the Middle District of Florida.

About Jesse Hoyer Estes

Practice Areas

  • Education Fraud

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Partner


Bar Admissions

  • Florida
  • U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida


  • University of Florida College of Law, Gainesville, Florida, 2009
    Honors: With Honors
  • University of Florida, 2006
    Major: Criminology
  • University of Florida, 2006
    Major: Psychology

Past Positions

  • James Hoyer, P.A.
  • Public Defender's Office, Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, Felony Division, Intern


Office Information


2801 W. Busch Blvd.Suite 200 Tampa, FL 33618 - 4500


  • 813-375-3710 (Main Fax Line)

Accepts Credit Cards


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813-375-3710 (Main Fax Line)
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2801 W. Busch Blvd.Suite 200 Tampa, FL 33618 - 4500

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