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Marisa K. Glassman - Tampa, FL

201 North Franklin Street7th Floor Tampa, FL 33602

Super Lawyers®


Updated: 08/18/2022

Tampa Class Action Lawyer


Marisa Glassman is an attorney is the Firm's Complex Litigation Group. Her practice focuses on complex litigation, class actions, and consumer protection. She is based in our Tampa office.

Ms. Glassman represents plaintiffs in a wide variety of cases. Ms. Glassman has held a lead role in state and federal class actions and obtained significant recoveries for class members in many cases. Ms. Glassman is currently co-liaison counsel for consumer plaintiffs in Arby's Restaurant Group, Inc. Data Security Litigation. She is a zealous advocate and committed to obtaining justice for her clients.

Ms. Glassman was selected and invited to be a member of The National Trial Lawyers: Top 40 Under 40 - an invitation-only professional organization comprised of America's top trial attorneys 40 years of age and under. She is a member of the American Association of Justice and Hillsborough County Bar Association.

Ms. Glassman has presented on emerging topics in class action litigation. Her presentations include: Harris Martin's MDL Conference: Equifax Data Breach: What Happened? Who Was Impacted? What Are the Damages? And HB Litigation Conferences Mass Tort Med School + Class Actions: Class Remedies.

Previously, Ms. Glassman was an associate with Sullivan & Cromwell LLP in New York where she had a wide-ranging civil litigation and regulatory enforcement practice.

Ms. Glassman graduated magna cum laude from Georgetown University where she received a degree in International Politics. Ms. Glassman received her law degree from Rutgers School of Law-Newark. During law school, she excelled as a Norman Samuels Fellow, Kinoy/Stavis Fellow, and a Dean's Merit Scholar. Ms. Glassman acted as the business editor for the Rutgers Law Review and as a Legal Research and Writing Teaching Assistant. She graduated magna cum laude, Order of the Coif, and was also awarded for Outstanding Scholastic Achievement.

Following law school, Ms. Glassman served as a law clerk to the Honorable Virginia Long, New Jersey Supreme Court.

Ms. Glassman is licensed to practice in Florida, New York, and New Jersey.

About Marisa K. Glassman

Practice Areas

  • Class Action
  • Complex Litigation


Bar Admissions

  • New York
  • New Jersey


  • Rutgers School of Law - Camden, Camden, New Jersey, 2009
    Honors: Norman Samuels Fellow
    Honors: Kinoy/Stavis Fellow
    Honors: Dean’s Merit Scholar
  • Georgetown University, 2004
    Major: International Politics

Past Positions

  • The Honorable Virginia A. Long, Supreme Court of New Jersey, Clerk, 2009 - 2010


Other Sources of Feedback About Marisa K. Glassman

Included on the 2021 Florida Super Lawyers list

Past Lists

  • 2020 Florida Super Lawyers list
  • 2019 Florida Super Lawyers list

View the profile for Marisa K. Glassman on Super Lawyers


Office Information


201 North Franklin Street7th Floor Tampa, FL 33602

Accepts Credit Cards


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201 North Franklin Street7th Floor Tampa, FL 33602

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